Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

K-Leigh and I live in Warwick, RI.  Looking for places to go and meet other doodles.  Also looking to set up a doodle sitting in RI.  You take care of my doodle when I go on Vacation and I will take care of yours.  Free for you and free for me.  Of course you can check how I take care of my dog so you feel it is safe to leave yours.  I have a fenced yard and no children and K-Leigh is fixed.

Let me know if anybody is interrested.  I just joined Doodlekisses and am not sure if I did everything correct, so if I didn't let me know.


Thanks Jane and K-Leigh the dog

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Sounds like a great little set up.  Wish you were in LA...

Have you checked our Groups section for the various east coast groups?

Thank you so much.  I found a site just putting in Rhode Island.  I sent invites then when they respond I will ask.  I am so happy I found this site.

It wa inportents my husband's idea.  Your pets are so important to us and I would hate to board her (even though there are good places out there) plus it can be expensive  We have 1 couple that we do it with but I feel as if I am taking advantage.  My K-Leigh is 90 lbs and their dog is 15 # quite a difference.  Two years ago I asked a 17 yr old to stay at my house and sit, the end result he stayed here 1 night every other night he stayed at his grandparents (Next door).  My dog had never been by her self all night.  NEVER AGAIN.  That was a lesson learned.  So I am still looking for dog lovers that are interested.


Thank for the encourgement.


Jane and K-Leigh



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