Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We have learned that all natural things may not be safe. This warning appeared on NBC last night.

See Karen's link below. I can't get mine to work. Gremlins again.

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UM, getting something totally different than what it says.

Woman Took DWI Rap in House Crash for Boyfriend

: ) Sorry. Not sure how that happened.

It's the same old story; nobody will take responsibility for anything, probably for fear of being sued. The groomer is in denial: "I've been in business blahblah years and nothing like this has ever happened before." It reminds me of how every time a doodle here is sick and the owner contacts the breeder, the breeder always, always says that no other owner has had this problem, none of her other dogs has ever had this, blahblah. The American Pet products Council refuses to comment. Why?

Every one is terrified of telling the truth and maybe losing money. It makes me sick.

 Apparently, this stuff is in a lot of flea and tick shampoos and repellents. I'm sure they are marketed as "natural" and "botanical".

Hemlock is natural & botanical, too.

As is arsenic : ) Whoops that's not botanical. Okay poison ivy : )

you are such a negative person

Not you F, I mean Karen.

Please refrain from personal attacks. It is rude, unnecessary, and against both the spirit and the rules of the site.

Absolutely. I agree that this is unnecessary. If you don't agree with someone address the content of the  post.

How bizarre. Must be related to the groomer.

Becka, I agree with you!

I agree, Becka.  



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