Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I didn't know! I had no idea how painful Axel's neuter surgery would be ... TO ME.
The members of my household and I are suffering with EBS -- or Elizabethan Backside Syndrome.
You see, Axel follows us everywhere. With gusto. Combine his Elizabethan collar, his happy doodle exuberance, and our slick wooden floors, and we can expect frequent painful cone-butts in our upper thighs and rear end as our 4 1/2-month-old, 55-pound doodle throttles himself after you and can't manage to stop when you do.
Once those rigid cone edges have nailed you a few times, you can't help but get a little jumpy and walk a little faster ahead of him, forgetting that now he thinks you're PLAYING and only hurls himself behind you with more excitement.
EBS has several phases, and I am now at the stage where I instinctively hurry ahead of him -- then remember it will only excite him more -- so I stop suddenly and BANG. My rear is a technicolor production. And I get the brunt of it all day when the kids are at school.
Speaking of productions, I made a little documentary so you can recognize EBS when you see it.
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Take care,
The video is adorable....Axel is one handsome Doodle puppy. Murphy's biggest problem with the cone was bumping into everything. We had to move anything breakable because when he went racing through the living room after his brother nothing was safe.
My EBS is in remission. Hopefully it'll stay that way.
I hated that dang cone. I quickly learned a maneuver to lessen the blow. You sort of tuck your butt in and bend at the knee a little.
lol-ing at your Reply!
Jen, the movie was great, and Axel is so sweet. I hope he heals quickly and you all get through your EBS safely !
While I'm typing here I want to add that Mojo's Neuter outfit is awesome ! Practical, flashy, and yet ready for halloween too ! lol !
I'll remember all this when Finnley gets spayed next month.
The best to both puppy's !
Sheila thank you but try convincing Mojo that his outfit is awesome lol...he puts up such a fight when I take it off and on to potty, I slammed my head twice and caught my foot in the door trying to maneuver this wild jumping and bucking puppy. He needs his daily long walks to calm him down. 7 more days to go :-(
Aww . . . Axel looks like he is feeling FINE! It won't be long till the collar is off!! What a cutie!
That is one darling doodle face!
Love the video. Hilarious! Sorry for you guys.
This is soooo funny, Jen. Thanks for posting. :-}
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