Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

About 2 months ago, I was playing with my blue monkey on the footstool and started to bounce up and down on him.  I was having a great time, when I felt my mom lift me up and say “Oh no you don’t!  Let’s go outside and play ball!”  I was ok with that.  But since then, I have to admit I have been caught red-handed many times!

Last weekend, my sister and her husband came to visit for a long weekend.   I do love my sister, so I took my stuffed elephant over to her and started “playing” with him on the footstool.  I heard my sister shriek “Ewwwweee! What is wrong with him (I know she means me)?  When did HE start doing that?”  Then I feel my mom’s arms around me and she carried me into her bedroom and laid me on the bed.  I thought she was going to give me a tummy rub, but instead she examines my penis and gets a little streak of blood on her hand – not much, just a tiny bit.  Then I hear her say softly, “well, my little man, you are going to the doctor first thing tomorrow”.  Ok, I love to go to the vet – I play with the office cat there – yeah!

We did go to the doc yesterday (but I did not even see the cat) and the doc took one look at me and said, “Ouch -Charlie B you have everted your penis tip with your mounting behavior”. Then she looks at my mom and says that possibly I had a chemical reaction to something I rubbed it against.  Long story short, I had to have a pain injection and then stay there for a while and they did all sorts of things I did not like (they even put sugar inside my penis – apparently this reduces inflammation (who would have thought??).  Then everything was cleaned out.  2 hrs 24 minutes later I was ready to go home.  When my mom came in, I did not make eye contact with her.  I am mad she brought me in for this.  We went home and I laid around for the rest of the day.  I did not feel like eating or drinking.  I did go outside with my mom and dad for wine time, but I just wanted to lay on the chaise with my tiger.  As you can see from the photo, I was not happy!

Update this morning ~  I still feel bad and still do not want to eat.  My mom found the antibiotics she thought I swallowed last night in my muzzle this morning when she was brushing my head and now she is not happy about that!  The doc called to see how I am doing a few minutes ago and she suggested my mom try putting the pills in a piece of hot dog.  Yikes, is she kidding!  My mom is cooking me some chicken and rice right now hoping I will want to eat.  I think I just want to rest for a while.  I am sore and so tired.

Have any of you other doods had this experience?

Oh, by the way, I heard my mom and dad talking and they agreed if they see me even considering humping, they will be working as a team to redirect me. 

Oh that is just great – I think my humping days are over,

Charlie Brown



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A tiny little bit of cream cheese, just enough to hide a pill in, might work. That has fat, too, but not as much.

I'm so happy that he's starting to feel a bit better.  I told my Guinness that this is what can happen from all that humping....trying to scare him straight.  Hope he continues to improve.

I'm glad he's improved some.  Keep getting better Charlie Brown!

My Mom always tells me "that's why you are a girl", don't know what that means but I hope you feel better - you are pretty darn cute (I like chocolate doods).

Love, Daisy

We are scheduled to get a second doodle Oct 9th.  I preference this time was for a girl, but she did not test out temperamentally, so we are getting a boy.  Charlie and the newboy have the same sire, different mothers.  The girl may have been a humper too!  Yikes.  I am going to get CB toned way down on this humping if it is the last thing I do.  As soon as he is feeling back to normal, we will be playing a lot of ball and keeping very occupied when that look comes into his eye!

It really doesn't have much to do with the sex of the dog, it's more a dominance thing. JD has never done it, but my last dog, a female, did.

Luna's BFF Sammy (a very dominant female.. and only 18 pounds to boot) humps almost any dog she knows.  Luna is so used to Sammy trying to hump her that she has developed a "sit down and turn around" technique for getting dogs off her when they're humping :p

Luna would never hump.. she doesn't even know what it is as far as I can tell.  She is super submissive - rolls on her back for any dog including teacup poodles and yorkies...

Yes, I have always read and been told it is a dominance issue (not sexual). The vet says, since that Charlie knows he cannot dominate my husband or me, so he is dominating inanimate objects like the couch or footstool.  He has never tried to hump anything outside of the house, or any dog.  Usually this behavior starts when he puts a stuffed toy on the couch or stool and then get up there to play with it..

Since Charlie was neutered so young (7 wks old), I have wondered if he really knows whether he is a boy or girl.  He has not learned to lift his leg yet, but maybe that is because he has not been around male dogs that do for any length of time.  I do know that I will be really watching for any sign of domination, so he does not have to go through this painful ordeal again.  There must be some chemical in the fabric of our furniture.  We had our furniture made here in the USA, but the fabric was probably made in China! -Yikes! 

Yes but Daisy is a "lady" ha ha (not dominant and all ever)

If the sugar helped, maybe you should only hump sugar bowls.  Problem solved.

Your friend, Halas

P.S.  I hope you're feeling better soon!

thanks for the laugh! 

Holy Doodle.... poor Charlie Brown ! That was a horrible experience for sure, and just a touch (I'm sorry) of amusement.

I hope that things are all better by now, and that doesn't happen again.

We wish you well.... your poor blue monkey too ! lol



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