Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Some of you may remember that I posted a while ago about Hartley limping.  We went back to the vet several times because he wasn't really improving with rest and Metacam.  We had his shoulder x-rayed to rule out a problem with the joint, and they came back clear.  The vet wanted to send him to an orthopaedic surgeon if he didn't improve after a further two weeks of meds and rest.  He did get a bit better, but gradually the limp returned when we reintroduced activity.  I wasn't too keen on going to see a surgeon, particularly as the diagnosis was a 'soft tissue injury'.  I also wasn't really happy to keep him on total rest - boring for him and us, and would lead to deconditioning of muscles and his cardiorespiratory system - he is usally very very active!!

I am a 'people physio' and decided that we would try going down that route first.  I had seen this lady speak at a seminar my agility group put on about core strengthening in dogs.  She is certified in Canine Rehabilitaiton (can't call herself a physio because physio is a protected title), and I was pretty impressed with her knowledge at the seminar.

We made the 3.5 hour drive down to Toronto to see her, and it was well worth the drive.  She had a great facility, including a pool for water therapy.  She did a very thorough assessment, gave us a diagnosis (medial shoulder instability) and a treatment plan including a home exercise programme.  She also told us what forms of exercise we could do and what to avoid for now.  I feel so much better having an idea of what is going on and what to do about it.  She even showed me how to wrap his shoulder to prevent it from moving into the excess range of motion while it heals.  So, hopefully the limp will go away and we can return to agility in the spring.

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We are so lucky to have a canine rehab center in our town attached to an animal hospital.  There is an excellent rehab therapist there and I had her give my dog swim lessons even though there is nothing wrong with him.  He loves water and runs in the ocean all the time but I didn't really know if he could swim.  I am a swimmer (have been swimming for 50 years) but would not want to go into the ocean to rescue a dog.  No problem with a pool or a lake, but not the ocean (please).  He, of course, took to the water and enjoyed his swim lessons.  Now I can take him on Saturdays for free swimming.  The therapist does not work on Saturday, but a swim assistant is there to be in the water with the dogs.  There are only a few dogs in the pool at a time, and they get a bath as they are leaving, so it is wonderful for us.  Check out my photos.  There are some of the dogs in the therapy pool.

That is just like where we went. You can take your dogs to the pool for therapy or just to swim. Unfortunately we live three hours away!

Oh yes, Hartley is beautiful!  Love his coat and his coloring.  He looks very similar to my best doodle ever.

I remember seeing pictures if your boy and thinking how similar they look.
I feel so much better for seeing her. I like my vet but wasn't happy with the direction we were going in. If the physio doesn't work maybe then we'll see a surgeon. But I think that with time, patience and regular performance of his exercises, we'll get there!

Sending hugs Hartley way for a speedy recovery.  Surgery would be my last option too.  BTW - love the picture, what a handsome boy :)


Hi Stella,

I know that this is an old thread but it could be really useful to me. Hector has been diagnosed with tendinitis in his shoulder and i would love to know your do's and don'ts as i think they will be similar to what Hector needs from us.

We only recently realized that Hector has limped on getting up from sleeping ever since he came home as a puppy and has a very mild limp detectable when he is walking slowly. IMO the tendinitis is not a rock solid diagnosis (based on tenderness in manipulation of shoulder joint but clear x-rays as a**** by our vet in UK, not a specialist) but it is all we have to go on now that we have moved to France. 

He has been prescribed Metacam and is limited to short walks (should be 15 min but i am weak willed and often walk for 30 min). The best change is that he is no longer engaging in rough playing with his puppy friends (due to the move).

But i am not very good a limiting his activity and think that this might be slowing down his recovery.

I know that i can't just assume that Hector's diagnosis is the same as Hartley's but the therapy and do's and don'ts could help him and help me sick to 'rules'

Anything that you can remember about on what you did would be great.


Games not to play? tug, fetch, 

Avoid hills/rough ground/sand???


Recovery duration?




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