Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My four year old niece was diagnosed with Diabetes 1 this year.  They are struggling daily to get everything under control.  She has to have her blood level checked every 2 hours and her and her husband take turns sleeping 4 hours at a time while the other checks her level. 

We found that if she was to get a Diabetes Service Dog it would alert her parents if her level rose or dropped, and would even allow them to sleep peacefully at night, and help tremendously!!

My daughter wrote a letter that is on the link I will put below as well as their personal story, they are trying to raise $17K to get a diabetes service dog - and i"m hoping they will be able to get a Doodle as many of these dogs are!  If anyone wants to do a fundraiser at work, church, or would like to personally donate or pass along to others - every little bit helps.  I hate asking for help or reach out, but my niece is so precious and I wanted to reach out to my doodle familys!!

If they don't reach the goal in a years time, or find it's not feasible - all donations will be donated to Diabetes research.  Let me know if you have any quesitons.


Kami and Meggie Doodle


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I am happy to donate. A friend of my mother has an Australian Labradoodle named Murray as a diabetes dog and he is wonderful. I hope it works out for your niece!

I would love to donate but the link didn't work for me. Please let me know how I can access the link.

Sorry the link didn't work - looks like it was cut off, the link is below.  Let me know if it doesn't work.  I'm hoping she can get a doodle diabetic dog, but a dog that is trained of any breed would be a huge relief to parents who wake every two hours to check her blood sugar levels!  Thanks so much!!!  HUGS!!!

I would be happy to donate. I have Type 2 Diabetes and I would not wish it on anyone. I hope your niece gets a wonderful dog.

Thank you so much!

I am happy to donate!  I hope Delilah gets a doodle.....or whatever type service dog is available!  Give her a big hug!

I will - thank you!!!!

I am unable to donate at this time. However, my niece just got a service dog from Canine Companions near Atlanta, GA.  Please check into this organization.  There was no cost.

Hi Doris - Canine Companions are nationwide and checked into them.  Unfortanetly, they do not do Diabetic Dogs :(  It's hard to find diabetic trained dogs and think for that reason the price is so high!  Looks like they do provide awesome services to others though!


When my niece got her dog there was a little girl there who was diabetic.  SHE got a dog.  In face, during the first day there, before the dogs picked their companions, one of the dogs was going NUTS in his crate.  They let him out and he ran to the little girl with diabetes.  She was dropping fast and the dog knew. I don't know if the girl had other issues as well.  I'll check with my sister and get back to you.

This is from my sister's email:  There was a dog named Stuart who was specificity trained for Allison who had diabetes.  He was a mixed breed who was trained along with Allison in "scent training".   We went to Canine Assistants....not companions!  Even when Stuart was crated and Allison's blood sugar dropped he would fuss.  He was right on!  She would let him out then test her blood sugar and he would be right.

So I had the organization name wrong!  It is canine assistants - try them!!!  


We know a diabetic service dog for a wonderful little boy. It has made such a positive difference in his life. I'm happy to chip in and I hope you reach your goal!



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