Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
My DH and I have different views on how much exercise is too much for Murphy and so I told him I was going to consult with the "Doodle Experts". Recently we've been putting Murph on the treadmill for an hour at a 3.0 speed with an incline of between 4 and 10. In addition, we take the boys for good walks every day that isn't raining and send them to Daycare where they run full out most of the day twice a week. I think this is too much treadmill for Murph, especially since he's losing weight. He's down to 50 lbs and I can feel his ribs. I can't seen to get him to eat enough calories to compensate for what he's burning. I'm back to full home cooking for his night meal and I've increased the carb ratio. DH thinks that he needs this much exercise to burn off energy. I told him I thought this was more exercise than other Doodles were getting, but he disagrees with that. What are your thoughts?
I think Spud is an ATHLETE Any walk is aerobic, dont need to be an athlete to get aerobic exercise. I'm not a runnner, but doing a mile in 10 minutes(without a hill) is fast in any standard. Finding a good day to day standard is your goal?
He is extreme. I agree. And, after 10 days of rain, I was going out of my mind :) No exercise, just a pain in the poop bag.
Sharon, this is our problem....DH and I just can't move fast enough for a long enough period of time to give Murph the kind of work out he needs on a walk. We walk at a normal pace for an hour...and I'm "done'.
We do two 45min to I hour walks per day which include off leash time/tennis ball chasing. We sometimes cut out one walk when we are at the cottage because he gets lots of off leash exercise following DH or me around the property and we do hikes where he at least doubles the distance we go by going ahead, coming back etc. At the cottage one way we walk involves going up a very steep hill. Gavin lags behind and all but puts on the breaks when we go that way. He hates the incline.
What was Murph's former weight?
The tennis ball chasing and uphill parts of your walks probably equate pretty closely to what Murphy is doing on the treadmill. Our hour long walks are usually fairly slow paced and we avoid the hills. He was at 56-57 lbs so he's lost about six pounds.
A couple of times a week we go to the park and I smash tennis balls (I have four going at once) and he runs full out. I do this until he lays down, then I do three more lol. Laying down is how he indicates that he is done. Tongue is usually hanging way out too. This only takes 10 minutes or so. The only thing with the treadmill is I think it would be hard for him to indicate when he is done. Dogs can walk for miles, but they only run for short spurts at a time so I don't think that sustained all out running is the best thing.
I guess big Murph isn't as big as I thought. A mere feather compared to my 75 pounder ;) By the way I can feel all his ribs and spine too. The doc says better leaner than heavier.
Boy, when you write it all down it sure sounds like a lot of exercise. Does Murphy walk the tread mill EVERY day or just the days he doesn't go to daycare? Maybe he's reluctant at times more because it's not as much fun as his walks and daycare.
This is more exercise than my dogs get, I walk 3-4 miles with both dogs about 4x/week, more often if I can. I have to PULL Oliver out of the house (he's my couch potato)he loves it once he's on his way, Rosie is jumping for joy when it's time to go! They also play fetch outside each day, racing up and down a hill which tires them out.
Is the weight loss new for Murphy since starting the new meds? I'm sure your vet will let you know if this in normal, just like it took a while for his system to adjust to the meds, his appetite may improve too.
Ann, he does the treadmill every day that he doesn't go to Daycare. On those days we also do the walks and off leash fetch playing. We started this increased exercise program (treadmill) at the same time as the meds, so I can't really can't know for certain which thing is causing it.
I'm impressed if you can get him on a treadmill for a three-mile walk every day. My dogs might do it for a little while (for the novelty) but never three miles. Treadmills are rather boring. I do 1.25 miles three times a week while watching t.v. and I get bored. But, of course, I prefer outdoor activity also. On the days I am not on the treadmill, I walk with the dogs for 1.25 to 1.5 hours while my husband rides his mountain bike. Sometimes we take the dogs on the BTL (bike tow leash) for about an hour. They seem to get plenty of exercise but are always ready for more.
About the weight - you should be able to feel a dogs ribs. It is very easy for a dog to put on weight especially if he is not getting enough exercise. I don't think your dog is getting too much exercise, but why does he have to use a treadmill? Dogs are also a good excuse for you to get the exercise you need. Do you and your DH also get exercise with him?
We walk an hour with them each day that they aren't in Daycare. The treadmill is in addition to that. Neither DH or I can run with the Doods, so the treadmill is to give him the aerobic exercise that he needs.
If only all dog owners met the needs of their animals the way you meet each and every need of your animals (even half the time) the world would be a much better place. You are the greatest Jane.
Oh, thanks so much BG.
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