Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

HA!!  How is that possible? 

Of all the dogs I have ever mothered, I have never had this problem. Lolli just finished up her shots and is not able to go places with us.  Obviously we have her tinkle before car rides but once we get somewhere she will not go piddle unless you count her happy tinkles when someone new pets her. 

I have no doubt she has to go as her happy tinkles at home are very teeny, but after an hour or so in public, they are sizable.  She won't go at the park, she won't go when we take her on runs at the soccer fields, she won't go on the grass at Petsmart, Petco or at the dog friendly mall.  She won't even go when we walk around our neighborhood. 

She will poo out in public, but not pee.  I would much rather it be the other way around, but no luck.

Has anyone experienced this or is my dog that much of a priss?

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And she must have been a teacher in a past life.  She can hold it for HOURS when we are out.

I think it is actually not that rare as we keep our puppies home for those first few weeks to keep them healthy and they become used to only going in our yard.  I'm having a somewhat related problem with Zoe - she loves to play in our yard or in the field behind our house but was acting scared to venture farther from the house on walks in our neighborhood. She would pull on the leash when we got just a house or two down the sidewalk and when I turned around to go back she kicked it into high gear trying to race back.  I've been saying "good Zoe, nice walking" about every step of the way and passing out small treats and she is getting more comfortable -- slowly. Although she still can't contain herself when she sees our house! 

Maybe you could do something similar with Lolli's issue? Start small around your neighborhood when it's time for her to go and praise/treat like crazy when she goes? I am not a trainer so you may get much better advice from the more experienced ones on here, but thought I'd share that I think it's a common hurdle to get over once they get the green light to venture out.

Lolli is adorable by the way!

I am dying to praise her for going somewhere outside of our yard.  HA!!  Maybe if I dip her paws in warm water....

I know - easier said than done!

I just saw a spray at Petco yesterday that is supposed to encourage them to go where you spray.  Maybe spray that some place when you are out and hopefully she'll go and give you the opportunity to praise her good deed?

That's a great idea!  Thank you .

I am not sure about the peeing in public, but I did have a thought.  My neice got a puppy from our breeder when we got Guinness, and she has the same issue your puppy has.  She does the happy piddle when she gets excited to see someone.  We are getting training here in our home over the next 5 weeks, and he says that there is a way to correct that.  It comes from a weak muscle over the bladder.  By timing your water carefully, you can help them strengthen that muscle.  Apparently, if you don't correct it early, it can remain a problem throughout their life.   I did not know that, so hopefully it will be of some help to you as well.  :)  Happy potty training!  

She is doing it less and less as she gets exposed to new people.  I am hoping it is just a phase.  :)  So do my friends!

I had the same problem with Loo. She would only do her business in our yard. Since she would use our yard before the walk and at the end of her walk. I started carrying her out of our yard and set her down across the street. We would start our walk then. It did not take long before she found a spot as nice as our yard and when she did praise always followed! Tinkling came first and the rest eventually followed. This was the first dog that I have had with this problem too. She is quite normal now, she reads and leaves answers to the p mails along our walk. Good luck!

What a great idea!  Thank you.  I better do it before she gets much bigger.  At 26 pounds, she is breaking my back. 

Jennett, I am lucky, Loo is a mini doodle and at almost 11months she only weighs 17 lbs.!
What a sweetie, too!

Potty on command.  Similar as with Sit, Stay, Speak, Shake, pick a word to use consistently.

I know cheers are appropriate but when you cheer you may want to use a ' word'   We use ' OUT'  some use pee pee, potty, etc  ( I just hate saying pee pee in public so I never chose that one)  GOOD OUT!  Good Out!  Instead of just cheering a random praise.

Use that word with every potty training cheer.  Eventually, they come to understand that command.  So, not a quick fix now, but older dogs sometimes don't know they can go on long trips, in public, etc.   If I tell my dogs to " Go Out" they do know what this is. It may help a girl like this who really can't find her perfect potty place.

I've experienced this on several occasions. Especially with a few foster dogs, and one female dog of my own. Again, not a quick fix but a life-long life saver.   My Stalit was so nervous about her perfect spot she could hold her urine for 48 hours. No joke. And what a worry and a problem this had on our situation many many days. 



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