Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Hello All!
I have been holding out on neutering Milton because I find it to be extremely unnatural; however, since Milt just turned seven-months-old, we were give the daycare ultimatum, so it is neuter him now, or he cannot return. Milton absolutely loves daycare (three days per week), but I feel like as his mom I am hurting him by allowing this surgery to happen. Neutering Milton honestly reminds me of a human lobotomy, and I can't bear the thought. Quite honestly, since I made the neuter appointment this morning, I have been very teary-eyed about the whole event. If we lived out in the country, I would never think to do this, but as a city dog, it is very easy to be banned from many things, simply because you have not been snipped. Have any of you ever dealt with similar feelings of guilt and regret?
Heidi, we are a group of passionate women when it comes to our Doodles. I've been watching this provocative discussion and I want to say that I really respect you coming back and saying that there are no hard feelings and bringing this to a close that I think everyone can feel good about. I need to say the same for you, Karen. Why can't all our controversial dialogues end like this? Way to go ladies!
;o) such maturity displayed by all.
totally agree. Very impressed by your response Heidi.
On Monday, not a single person involved in this discussion will not be thinking about you and Milton. I know I will. And I am positive with all my heart, you are doing the right thing.
We feel for you. We have all had sympathy for our dogs. But, I don't doubt that once this was done, we regretted it. Ever!
I think you have a lot of class to come back in this discussion with your maturity and compromise.
Hey, there is an opening in Congress. Please Run! :)
I'll second that nomination, lol!
Heidi, great to see you coming back and debating with us all here. We are all crazy Doodle ladies but one thing we all have in common is our love for our dogs. Mature debate is what it's all about. I'm not looking forward to bringing Boris in for his op in a few months and I know how you feel worrying about it but you are doing the right thing. Please keep us updated on Miltons op. We will all be there beside you.
Heidi, I know you have had a lot of comments here, but I feel I need to add one of my own. Many years ago I use to show & breed English Setters. I have had both unaltered males and females living in my house. Just like Ginny mentioned the constant vigil can be exhausting. My most loved dog of all time (still weep today over loosing him 25+ years ago) was an unaltered male. He was my AKC Champion, my obedience dog, my hunting trial buddy and all round companion. But I lost him a 8 years old to testicular cancer. If I had had him neutered after his campaigning days were done he would have been by my side for several more years. It was the loss of my boy too early from this form of preventable cancer that has always had me neutering all my male dogs.
I know you have been teary-eyed about making Milt's appointment; but that appointment will help prevent you from having to make that last appointment I had to make for my boy.
I think maybe this is the most important post in this whole discussion.
I'm so sorry, Nina. Thank you for sharing this painful story, hopefully it will help others avoid this kind of pain. It hits me very deeply, as JD will be eight years old this month. To think of losing him now is unimaginable.
I am so sorry, Nina.
I am so sorry Nina. No matter how many years they are gone our pets always stay in our hearts
Nina: I've been looking for a forum concerning neutering. I have read and heard so many different thoughts on When to neuter. I've heard that 8 weeks is fine and I've heard to wait one or two years. UC Davis has a veterinary department that is considered one of the best. They have done a trial with Golden Retrievers and the benefits of waiting a year or two seems to reduce the incidence of HD and some cancers. Have you come to any conclusions yourself on when it is Best to neuter? Also I'm wondering if anyone has heard of a vasectomy for a dog, if any vets practice that and if so the pros and cons. Thanks.
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