Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

As some of you know, I have a problem with Gavin every so often.  It started with episodes of fever of unknown origin nearly two and a half years ago.  After treatment with anti-biotics and rimadyl (shot gun approach) he was back to normal.  About a year and a half ago another lasting episode.  He had every test in the book and our vet consulted with a pathologist at our teaching university. Gavin was put on a five week course of anti-biotics with the thinking that he may* have had a lingering kidney infection that had been knocked down but not fully cured (white blood cells elevated but not crazy).  Perfect blood followed at the end of the course of meds.  So fast forward three months later and another episode of lethargy, not eating, warm ears, some panting and what we term a "fake yawn."  Temp on the high side (102) but not quite a fever.  After a day or so he recovered on his own.  This has happened about once every three months or so and recovery happens spontaneously within 24 hours.  This week it happened again.  He was on the mend, but I guess we got him moving a bit too fast and he relapsed a bit.  The next day I gave him a rimadyl and after a couple hours he came around and is now right as rain.  I talked to the vet about these episodes and he shrugs and shakes his head - he is either baffled or thinks I am crazy (maybe both).  The facts are:  it is not an infection because he would not recover spontaneously, it is not an immune mediated disorder (ruled out because of bloodwork), his hips are good, fever is caused by inflammation so all that I can think of is that he has a soft tissue injury that acts up (although neither us nor the vet can find it) or he has a headache. Pain?  Anyone have any ideas?  P.S. My vet is great and I trust him and he sought the appropriate second opinion (shared Gavin's blood panel - which he termed a bit of a head-scratcher) from likely the top expert in the province (maybe the country).

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Poor Gavin.  and poor you too.  its extremely tough going through these things with dogs because they cant just tell you whats wrong. 

Thanks Ron - just like babies, you wish they could tell you.

I see no reason dogs couldn't have headaches but the raised temperature doesn't go alnog with that or a soft tissue injury. Kids sometimes  get these recurrent fevers of unknown origen. Sometimes it's hard when we don't know the answer.

The other thing is F. - yesterday I gave him 1 rimadyl and it took care of everything.  Right now he is bringing me toys to play with him.  From what I understand, Nsaids cure the symptom not the problem, but it seemed to cure the problem - thus my wonderment about a head ache.  Grasping at straws I guess,

The NSAIDs do lower fevers as well as work on pain, so I'm not sure what that means.

What I mean is what is causing the fever or the pain.

I understood that : ) I just meant that you wouldn't know if the Rimadyl was treating the fever or the pain. I agree that it would be good to know the source of problem.

It also brings me some comfort that kids sometimes have recurrent fevers of unknown origin.  I guess my worst fear is something is wrong that we are not correcting that will have dire consequences down the line.  Thats the crux of the matter for me.

Kids with unknown fevers...hah been there!  For years my daughter was ill at most every holiday starting at age 2.. ah great...  Sometimes had a fever, sore throat, headache,throw up etc.  She was prone to strep throat, however the holiday tests always said negative.  It took us years to realize she was simply stressed!  Not saying I think Gavin is in this category  but as a mom, it took me years to figure out my own daughter.  

For us  it was about simplifying her schedule and taking a slower route for the holidays and not letting me psyche her out with stress.  Might there be times of stress that Gavin picks up on?  Just a guess of course, but as others have agreed, a headache would surely be real in my opinion.  Hey for that matter, where do my migraines come from?  Who says dogs cant have these same problems?

Oh I can totally understand kids (and dogs) absorbing the stress of their environments.  Lucky for us Gav is about the most adaptable dog I have seen and we lead a pretty laid back lifestyle.  Thinking back to Christmas' when I was a kid, there was always one cousin or another throwing up.  And you can bet your bottom dollar that some kid half way through Christmas Eve mass will make a quick exit, pale as a sheet.  Funny (but not really). 

My daughters best moment.......not. When she was an Acolyte at church and had a nose bleed.  Yep, had to take her off the front pew.....oh my.  I took the clothing home to wash, talk about embarrassed. 

I'm sorry Gavin is having these issues. I don't have any ideas about what might be wrong, or whether dogs get headaches, but I did want to mention that Rimadyl should not be used if it isn't absolutely necessary. I know that all drugs have side-effects, and that the benefits often outweigh the risks, but Rimadyl seems to cause more issues than most veterinary drugs, and there have been some well publicized problems with its use in many dogs.

Some info:




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