Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I posted on here a while back about sofa covers because I was getting a new sofa due to the damage from the construction dirt in my house.

Well I loved the ones that Karen recommended but that is way out of my price range so my mom who doesn't get enough credit from me sometimes came up with a great idea to hold your sofa covers in place.

I had really nice blankets that match the sofa...... both ends are fake leather or a leather mix what ever you want to call it less likely to scratch but still capable of it.. anyway

So what she thought of was to put those rug grippers for throw mats over the sides of the sofa and walaa those babies are staying in place....... amazing.. These are only covering the sides but for me that is what I cared about because I didn't want them scratched..

I know you all have to have more tricks of things you do to improvise so I would love to hear it,  Toy storage ideas, food storage ideas. 

Also one other thing we did is I have a coat closet as soon as you walk in my front door, that is the door I always walk Jack out of... I put one of those plastic shoe storage things that has pockets in it.. I store poop bags, leashes, extra shoes, supplies and things like that and keep it off the floor. 

What are you storage and other secrets...???

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I'm glad you found a good solution to the sofa cover problem. I really like that idea of keeping a hanging plastic shoe storage thingy in the front hall closet for poop bags, leashes, etc.; I have a closet right by the front door, too, so that would work for me. Right now the leashes and harness are hanging on the coat rack in the front hall, along with my fake Coach poop bag holder; they are really not such beautiful decorations to greet visitors' eyes, lol.

I can't think of any tricks or tips worth passing on right now. I do keep a miniature flashlight in my fake Coach dog walking bag for night walks (mostly so I can see the poop to pick it up.) That's about as creative as I get!

I need to get a flash light as I am forever using my phone to find the poop.. Good Idea... I am trying to think of some other things to put in there should I need to leave the house with one or both dogs in an emergency...but most likely since my bedroom is in the back of the house would go out the back door where I can't store anything.

.. I had all my stuff in a basket just inside the door that was for people's shoes but it got taken over by leashes and dog stuff....

Jennifer...there are Apps for your phone that are flashlights!!!  They are really bright and work well.  That way you don't have to carry your phone AND a flashlight.  That is how we solve the night poop problem.  Since none of us are smokers, I store poop bags in the side door ash tray of my car.  It is the side Gracie gets out of and I can just grab one!

I have poop bags everywhere, I am so embarrassed they are in my car, in every Jacket I own. In my purse... it is so funny... I can't tell you how many times I go to get something out of my purse and pull a poop bag out...

Oh, that is so me!  Blue poop bags in every pocket, purse, briefcase, car drink holders and a bunch on top of Chance's crate "just in case."  Right now, I am collecting filled poop bags in Santa decorated shopping bags . . .

Hilarious holder for your filled poop bags - hope no one thinks your Santa bags are filled with treats - lol.

Me too - with empty bags in every pocket.  But carrying poop bags comes in handy and have made me a hero more than once.  I've been able to offer them to an embarrassed young mom who's unexpectedly had to change the third poopy diaper on a shopping trip with nothing to carry it in, a dog owner whose dog never relieves himself more than once unexpectedly needed to the second time and the only bag the owner brought was full and tied shut, but even sweeter, I've been able to give them to youngsters who've run out of pocket space when collecting acorns and pinecones at the park!

I do the same because you never know when you might need one....LOL.

Thanks for the tips Jennifer and I'm glad you found a solution for your sofa!  I have poop bags everywhere too....and so does DH.  He's always walking around with green bags hanging out of his pockets.

Every once in a while I don't have freaks be out even if we are not out on a walk. Must Have Poop Bags at all times.

my friend found a light you hook onto the collar in the Target $ bin, it even strobes, you can see Toby coming from around the corner.

Great idea for sofa cover, Jennifer.  For storage, I found a great wooden bench with an upholstered cushion on top and a shelf underneath that fits perfectly in my tiny entry.  A basket placed on the shelf underneath looks neat and hides doggy doo bags, leashes, reflective dog vest, and boots.  Everything we need to go out.  Max jumps onto the bench eager to get his leash on and I don't have to bend over to clip it on like I would have to if he remained on the floor - bonus for me!  Also, it's nice to have a place to sit to put on my shoes when we go out.  The flashlight Karen mentioned is an important tool for doggy doo pickup at night, and I found a great flashlight app that is perfect for the job since I carry my smartphone with me, 1clickflash.  It's been helpful many times.

I want a bench actually because I require everyone to take their shoes off when they come in and right now they have to do a balancing act to do it. Good thing I live in the south where you can wear flip flops 10 months or ore out of the year..they slip on and off!



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