Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I never thought of JD as a follower; he's always been a pretty independent guy. At the dog park, he keeps to himself and focuses on me and his tennis ball, ignoring all of the other dogs running around. But this morning, he showed me that even he is susceptible to peer pressure.
We were out in the yard when a friend came by walking his own dog and his DD's dog, who is staying with them while the DD is out of town. As the man and I were talking over the fence, his DD's dog found an enormous branch lying in my side yard. She immediately started tearing it apart and chewing on the pieces. As we continued talking, I heard something strange and turned to find JD trying to tear a branch off of my lilac bush. He did manage to snap off a good sized piece and chomp on it a few times. He has never done this before.
If Rover jumped off the Empire State Building, I guess JD might, too.
Do you have a Monkey-Doodle?
Jack Doodle, you the MAN! Don't let that visiting neighbor try anything like that again. ;o)
Bonnie, he is the Man for sure! That visiting dog may have done me a favor, though; it may be easier for me to pick up the pieces than that whole branch!
Another one of Donna's awesome moments... seeing the good in each day. ;o)
There you go! :-)
Sandy, I hope that Theo is not a Monkey-See Doodle, too, lol! JD has always favored lilac branches, but only when they're no longer attached to the bush!
Owen is very fond of yanking out rose bushes or raspberry canes! What is it with the thorny bush destruction??? I hope Theo is cool as a cucumber!
Aaaah Doodle destruction, I know it well, or at least my nicest well was blackberry bush does ....RIP, also 3 of my 6 raspberry bushes.
Blackberry bushes are fierce! My oh my!
My berry bushes are off-limits! I took it with good grace when JD destroyed all of my Summersweets, but if he broke my raspberry canes, I could get very very angry with a certain doodle!
GMTA!! Before I got to your last statement, I'd already composed my response: "JD, if your friends jumped off the Brooklyn Bridge, would you jump too?" Peer pressure is one of the most powerful forces on earth - I learned this from 25 years in the middle school classroom!!!
LOL, Deanna, my mother always said "the Empire State Building", so that's what I always used, too. I could have said the "Sears Tower", but now that's the Willis Tower, and it just doesn't have the same ring to it! AFAIK, the Empire State Building's name hasn't changed, or has it?
I'm thinking peer pressure in dogs is a lot less scary than in people!
No,the Empire State Building is the name and it better stay that way. I'm tired of things chanfin ga for no good reason. In fact TES building now has new lighting on top and can change colors easily. Before it was a big job to change the light filters manually. Right now it's red and green for Christmas.
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