Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I never thought of JD as a follower; he's always been a pretty independent guy. At the dog park, he keeps to himself and focuses on me and his tennis ball, ignoring all of the other dogs running around. But this morning, he showed me that even he is susceptible to peer pressure.
We were out in the yard when a friend came by walking his own dog and his DD's dog, who is staying with them while the DD is out of town. As the man and I were talking over the fence, his DD's dog found an enormous branch lying in my side yard. She immediately started tearing it apart and chewing on the pieces. As we continued talking, I heard something strange and turned to find JD trying to tear a branch off of my lilac bush. He did manage to snap off a good sized piece and chomp on it a few times. He has never done this before.
If Rover jumped off the Empire State Building, I guess JD might, too.
Do you have a Monkey-Doodle?
As always, Ricki is a genius and I think she is right. Now that I think about it, when I am talking to the neighbor, Fudge goes and gets a stick and walks around me until I notice her. She knows I hate when they chew sticks (I am always worried about them swallowing them) and I will have to stop talking long enough to focus on her :) Always reminds me of when my kids were little and I was talking on the phone.
Ollie learned to roll over by watching Cubbie do it. We never even tried to teach Ollie because we were focusing on my basic things like stay and down and heal but when he realized that Cubbie would get a treat after rolling over he suddenly started to do it on his own. it was super cute.
Ollie is definitely a very cute Monkey Doodle!
I think JD was trying to impress the lady with his manly skills :) Vern is definitely a Monkey Doodle. He follows along with whatever Fudge is doing and he is usually the one who gets caught doing something naughty. Fudge steps back when that happens with a smile on her face :)
I think that Monkey See, Monkey Doodling may be a male trait, lol!
LOL JD you're so silly. You probably thought you looked pretty "manly" getting your own "fresh" stick to chew on, and not finding some old branch on laying about on the ground. WTG!
LOL, he has always been a pretty dignified guy for a doodle, so it was kind of nice to see that silly side of him!
JD you are silly :) Don't succumb to the peer pressure!
Luna isn't a monkey-doodle, but she is a trendy-doodle. If she sees another dog chewing a stick, she doesn't try to steal it (she is far too polite!) but she patiently waits until they are done with the stick and then goes and takes it! It's WAY more interesting if someone else thought it was cool.
Smart girl, Luna!
I call Sophie "Monkey Doodle" all the time and I think it fits the bill. She is always copying what other dogs do.
JD, you show that other dog who's boss. You are a big strong doodle with a big stick!
LOL, Sherri, I think he needed a reminder!
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