Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I never had a son, only daughters.  I have only had female dogs.  I had it in my head that male dogs mark everything and like to hump.  I know females are not immune to humping because our Lab, Hershey, would find the nearest available pillow whenever the song Macarena came on the radio.  I just figured she had weird taste in music.  When I was searching for dogs, I had more than one breeder tell me they preferred the males.  I didn’t listen and got Fudge.  When we went to get our second dog, our trainer told us to go with the opposite sex and I listened.  Vern is our first male dog.  I always worry people will misconstrue what I am trying to say and think I don’t love Fudge as much as Vern, but if we ever get another dog, it will be a male.  Maybe it has nothing to do with the sex at all, but Vern’s personality makes me want to love him at every opportunity and mother his fears away. I try not to baby him, but I do tell him constantly he is the bravest dog of all.  He isn’t brave at all when it comes to a lot of things, but I have no doubt if push came to shove he would find the strength to protect us and be brave for us. 


As much as I love Vern, if I could change one thing about him, it would be his sleeping patterns.  I have written about it many times and have come to the conclusion that it is another part of Vern that we can’t change.  Sometimes, I think he just likes checking up on us to make sure we are staying put and other nights I swear he is payback for any sleepless nights I caused my parents. He also isn’t terribly loyal when certain people show up at the house.  As soon as he sees the dog sitter, he stands by the front door and sucks the air from around the door frame to try and get her to open the door faster and get him the heck out of there.  When my daughter wakes up and comes upstairs, he practically knocks me over to get to her and wouldn’t come to me if I were wearing Lady Gaga’s meat dress.  Well, maybe, but I am not prepared to test that theory.

Vern turns three today. Since I have almost gotten all the Christmas crap decorations put away, I promised Vern we would let the rest slide until Friday.  Instead we plan on going for a couple of walks, allowing unlimited rolls in the grass, and celebrating tonight with a baked sweet potato.  I learned with my daughters to keep birthdays to a minimum from here on out or I will have Vern knocking us over on his way to beat us to the mailbox to check for birthday cards and announcing one day is not enough to celebrate his birthday and a week would be even better.  See, you can teach an old dog new tricks.  Vern, we love you. You make our life better every single day!! Happy Birthday!

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I knew Vern and I were kindred spirits! We share birthdays!!! No wonder I've been so drawn to him and everything you wrote and posted about him. Happy birthday Vern!

Awww....Happy Birthday to you, too. Thank you!! Have a great day!

Thank u!

Happy Birthday to Gavin's brother from a different mother (and father).  We love you Vern!!

Gavernstein thanks you   :)

Happy birthday, Vern! Big kisses from me and Sadie!

Thanks, Becka. Vern loves those kisses.

Happy Birthday Vern!  What a joy he is for you and John.  Live long and prosper!

Thank you, Jeanne. He really is so special to both of us.

Happy Birthday Vern you big lug. We love you and hope you have the bestest birthday ever. I really like your picture, you are so handsome.

Thank you, Donna. I LOVE that picture of Quincy.

Happy Birthday Vern!



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