Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Okay-we all have Doodles that aren't perfect, but we Love them in spite of those teensy-tiny flaws!

Tell us what your Doodle does that exceeds all expectations and would make other Doodle owners jealous!

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And he will stay put until you "find" him?

I've never tested that, because he gets so excited to be found that I have never made him wait too long.  He is so excited to be found, because he gets to be the seeker again!

Finnegan is just so intuitive sometimes I think he can read minds.  He's a joy to take with me because he easily adapts to almost any situation.  Silly and crazy or chill and mellow.  Mostly, he's a gentle "old soul," a great snuggler, and a "smile maker."  We have a special bond that lots of dog owners seem to envy, but I know most of you understand because you have it with your doods.

He also has the 100 yard stare when he doesn't want to do something.  He delights in playfully tormenting Song and Mistral, our 2 resident kitties, bopping them on the top of their heads with his nose.  And he's perfected the art of making me feel tremendously guilty when I leave the house without him.     

I would say that Sadie has two particular talents. One, she is remarkably dog-savvy and always seems to be able to know very quickly if she should be submissive to a dog or if a dog is more her "equal" or can be dominated, and she plays with them accordingly. This makes it a lot of fun to go to the dog park with her. Two, she excels at making herself comfortable--she loves to lie on the bed all splayed out on her back and sleep. She is truly talented at that.

what a wonderful topic!!!!!..Oliver is the most remarkable dog we have ever had, or known.  He is smart, sometimes too smart, lol, he is pretty well behaved most of the time, his house manners are wonderful, they always have been, since we got him.  He has never counter surfed or gotten into t he garbage, he will occasionally pick up a sock etc. if he finds it on the floor, but brings it to me, and then runs, wants me to go after him, which I do, and he gives it to me immediately.  This is his game, and if I don't go after him with it, he will keep coming back to me till I do.  He loves everyone, human or otherwise.  He talks to people when they come into the house, and I never taught him. He doesn't bark at them, he sort of rrrrr, high and low, long and short, and gets into them.  He will hit with his paw if not payed attention to, lol, not hard, but as if to say Hey, look at me...He will bark at people that he sees thru the windows, but if we are outside, he just meanders over to see them.  He seems to understand everything we say to him, and really seems to study us when we are talking to him.  We get the stare when he has to go out too..He won't bark, just stands by the door and waits to be seen and we see the stare.  I think he trained us, more then we trained him, lol, but whatever, he is my baby, yes he loves DH too, but I am his Mom, and I love telling people what a special and wonder "kid" he is...We adore this big guy.  It seems to me that we here on Doodle Kisses are really all blessed by these wonderful creatures and we appreciate them.  I can't imagine our life without Oliver, and I hope we never have to be without him for a very long time.

Oliver is very agile. He chases his tal and catches it!!

Quincy reads my mind when it is grooming time and will go get on the table without me telling him. I have yet to figure out how he knows and it's not really his favorite time.

Gee, my doodles read my mind too and they run like hell:-)

Our Boo is a sweet, gentle girl. She is great with kids, and little dogs. She is also a great dancer:) She loves to join in our family dance parties. Her favorite move is "the spin".

Daisy is really awesome at sleeping in on Saturday and Sunday! When we get up for early on Sunday she still sleeps until it's time to play for 20 minutes before we leave for church.

Daisy is totally phenomenal with little children and babies. She has never had to be told "gentle" because she already is.

Daisy is a patient dog. She can wait for a long time for it to be her time, she is also fantastic at making us feel guilty during these periods. :0)

Daisy is great and giving and receiving love. We couldn't ask for a better fit.



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