Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Dear List members,

I am writing to you in desperation.  We have been having a lot of problems with Laila's skin. She will be turning 3 in May. Laila is shedding a lot and her coat looks like dried mess. There are scabs all over her body and her skin has tuned darker.  We have  lost trust on our Vets. Initially, they suspected a Staph infection (Pyoderma) and put her on antibiotics for a month. However, it did nothing. Then, they did skin testing for parasites. Still, nothing. Now they made us go through all kinds of lab testing including thyroid panel. Again, nothing. I am really feeling hopeless. We feed her high quality food with salmon oil, which should not be causing allergies. In the interim, we did change her food, but it did not help so we put her back on Call of the Wild (Pacific stream). I am at my wits end and don't know what to do. This has been going for a year, but more so recently as Laila is developing bald patches. I am open to any suggestion?

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I think you need to take Laila to a veterinary dermatologist. We can speculate on all sorts of things but you need an expert to see her.

I agree. I would make an appointment to see a veterinary dermatology specialist ASAP. Many of us here who struggled with skin and allergy issues in our dogs that our vets could not seem to properly diagnose have had great success when we consulted a specialist.

Here is a link to the American College of Veterinary Dermatologists website, where you can locate a specialist in your area.

Christine & Camus are CA members here who are using an excellent veterinary derm specialist, maybe you could ask her for the name.

I wish I could offer you a quick fix but from what you described above about Laila it sounds very similar to what I have been going through with Jake.  He just went to the dermatologist this past Monday and had the skin testing done and will start immunotherapy shots this coming week.  He is allergic to just about seems.  It was expensive but I have paid the regular vet lots of $$$$$$$  this past year that far surpasses what was spent at the dermatologist. 

I agree with taking Laila to a specialist as soon as you can.  How long has this been going on with her?

I agree as well, take her to a veterinary dermatologist.  Camus was tested by Dr. Boord at the Animal Dermatology Clinic in San Diego, too far for you, but they have a satellite clinic in Santa Clara that may be convenient.  Listed at the site Karen gave you and at

I also referred a friend whose dog has symptoms similar to those you describe.  Both Harley and Camus are on antigen injections.  Camus has been getting the antigen for about a year and is now doing really well. No more eye infections, no more ear infections, and his skin has calmed down significantly.  Harley has just started with the injections so it is to early to see the benefits.  As Colleen said, it is expensive, but I was spending so much at the regular vet that I am now actually spending less than what I spent for the constant visits to the regular vet.

And even more importantly, your dog is getting relief!

You're right - I should have said that!  One very obvious sign that he has gotten relief is that his skin no longer reacts when I brush him.  It's hard to describe, the best way I can describe it is that his skin was hyper-reactive, kind of rippled whenever I tried to brush him, but not any longer.  He is definitely getting relief!!

Christine, it is good to know that Campus is getting relief.  I definitely think Jake's personality has changed and that makes me feel sad.  I think he has gotten a bit grumpy especially with Baxter sometimes.....I know it must be due to his itchy skin and look forward to getting my "Jake" back again....I am thinking positively.  It has not been an easy time dealing with skin issues but it could be a whole lot worse. 

Colleen, I know I am not a happy camper when my skin is dry and itchy, so I can only assume it is the same for dogs. IMO itchy skin can = cranky dog.  It does take time for the antigen injections to work, but I am a believer and the antigen therapy is the only treatment that helped Camus.  I hope Jake gets some relief soon.

And the itching from allergies is beyond dry and itchy. It's unbearable, the result of a very strong histamine response on the part of the immune system. Dogs self-mutilate all the time trying to get some relief.

The antigens were the only thing that helped JD, too.

I feel bad putting Ollie's cone on him because I can only imagine how uncomfortable it is to not be able to scratch a really bad itch, but he has scratched his face until it bleed and chewed his paws until they were raw.

I bet you do feel bad Amy...I know I would....I sometimes have to put it on Baxter.  I am sorry Ollie is going through the itchies too. 



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