Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I recently hired a dog walker to come to the house and take Cubbie and Ollie on a 30 minute walk twice a week.  I was really just looking for someone to come and let them out in the middle of the day while I'm at work, but it was only a few bucks more to have them actually get a walk instead of just a quick trip to potty in the backyard. 


The woman I hired is the owner of a dog walking company and has a few employees but she is the one that actually walks C&O.  She is licensed with the town and is insured and knows pet CPR.  She charges me $22 per day to come and walk them.  She invoices me once every 2 weeks so that ends up being $88.  Here is my question: the invoice has a line that says "optional gratuity".  The last time I paid her, I did not include a tip.  I figure that she is the owner of the company so all money that I pay goes to her anyway, but then I started wondering if she would treat C&O any differently if I don't tip her.  I really don't think she would, but it was just a thought that crossed my mind. 


I sometimes feel like you now have to tip everyone that performs a service so I sometimes get frustrated but I want to do what is right.


I have to leave her a check tomorrow or Thursday so I am looking for advice.  Would you tip her and if so, how much?  I tried doing a search on this but only came up with tipping groomers and daycares.  Thanks for the help!

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when I took Cubbie they charged $37 (I think -- I have been doing it myself for almost 2 years now so I can't remember the exact price) but I gave her a $10. 

I tip also for dog sitter and groomer.  Both provide great service, and while I don't feel obligated to tip, I think it is a nice gesture particularly in the service industry where tips traditionally supplement wages.  But I think this is an individual decision.

This is a tough call.  My groomer does own the shop and she has no other employees.  I do tip her and tip her well.  The reason why is I do not know how she makes any money.  She only charges $40 for my 75lb doodle.  He is there 2.5 hours and she never has more than one other dog in the shop, if any.  She has not raised her price in the three years we have been going there.  Every time I tip her she acts surprised and grateful.  If I was her business manager I would tell her to charge more!

I don't like the gratuity line on your invoice.  That seems tacky to me.  I like the gift idea better. 

It's an old book, but I have had my class reading Stephen Covey's Book "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People."  There is a focus on establishing relationships with others to "widen your circle of influence."  I guess tipping is one way of doing that.  Another way though is being sincerely nice and gracious and express an interest in others.  To test his theory I conducted a personal experiment last semester.  The security guard that works the lift gate into the college is a rather dower looking woman who never smiles, makes eye contact or barely looks up beyond eyeballing your pass hanging from the rear view mirror.  I made it a point to smile and wave to her each and every entry and exit.  Guess what happened?  She began to recognize my vehicle and lifting the gate early when she saw me coming and smiling and waving to me!   Voila class - I just widened my circle of influence.  My point is, I believe you can show her appreciation and make her want to work hard for you by establishing a relationship.  Try leaving her a thank you note.  Set out a couple of cookies or a muffin for her, small thoughtful touches.  People like to be recognized and appreciated, but money is not the be all and end all, especially if they are making a good buck already.  It is different for waiters etc. who are paid squat.

Very nicely said and all very true!

I do like the idea of a thank you card and a small gift.  I'll have C&O give her a little easter basket and maybe i'll pick up some $10 gift cards and give her one in a thank you card once a month rather than feeling like I have to tip her just because there is a line for it on the invoice.

I think, for $22 an hour plus gas... I am going to change professions. 

I am now for  hire. I will walk your dog

You don't  have to tip me

 I will put the tip in the bag too

I think it is $22 for half an hour Joanne.  Sign me up too lol!

they get a 20-30 minute walk depending on the weather and then she gives them some treats and sometimes plays ball with them in the house (which is really killing my wood floors!!)

Joanne, do you do work in Seattle, WA?

I wish!

LOL  I only pay $16 dollars an hour for my dog walker.  And this is in California, which isn't cheap.

I pay $17 on Long Island!  Full day care is $23 at PetSmart- although I have not used it yet since Quince still needs bordetella (SP?) second shot. 



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