Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My 2 and 1/2 year old daughter has been cracking me up lately with some of her out of blue comments. Last night when I tried to get her to go to bed, she looked at me and said "Mommy you know sleeping is not my favorite thing to do, only biking is".

I was laughing so hard I was nearly in tears. She was soooo serious. The funny part is, I have no idea how she came up with biking. We haven't even went on any bike rides since summer and even then it wasn't often.

Here a few of her other comments that cracked me up:

"I love you more than chocolate milk and I reeeeally love chocolate milk"

"If we could eat stars and moons what do you think they would taste like? I hope not bologna sandwiches"

And my personal favorite that is wise beyond her years:

"I need to call the doctor and ask her to make your belly big again so I can get back in there because I was happy in your belly, wasn't I? I like to laugh in there"

What are some silly things your little ones have said?

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Awe, these are so cute they are wonderful!  My little one is only 5 months old, so she is only baby talking right now.  She has been laughing so hard lately, it's the cutest thing and we just laugh right back with her.  She's getting fun...I look forward to the day she talks, but don't want that coming too fast :)

She is all grown up now, but when my daughter was little, I heard her doing what I guess must have been the weather report while playing. She was about 3. She started out with sun, but then she started talking about the "SHATTERED" showers that were coming ! lol

At Christmas time her favorite song was Feliz Navidad. However she thought the words were "Release my Ducks"

Aaah kids, gotta love'um

BAHAHA Shattered showers. I could so see my daughter doing this. I've read your comment 4 times now and just start cracking up every time!

Oh my...I could fill a book too.  I'll have to search my archives...
In the meantime, you should join our New Mommies group...even if you are not 'new'.

Kids are so cute.  I laughed at your quotes.  My kids are now 12 and 14.  I keep a small journal in my nightstand and have jotted down their funny sayings over the years.  Here are some of my favorites: 

It fits together like a bug on a windshield. 

Wouldn't it be great if we had 4 arms so we could carry the newspaper and ourselves at the same time! 

Whoever is a member of the clean plate club also has a happy tummy.

My daughter said, "No two snowflakes are alike."  My son responded, "No two people have the same car keys either."


I like the journal idea.  I started one for Charlotte for the first 6-7 weeks of her life when I wrote down her feeding and sleep patterns. I have room in it and am going to keep it for funny quotes.  So glad this discussion was started!

Here's one:  Natalie was just looking at a random magazine and told me she was looking to find the right man to marry. When I asked her how she'll know or what question she'll ask him she told me "If he wants to eat with me or something."

Adina,  Natalie is certainly planning ahead!   LOL....sooooo cute!

Priceless gems...Write them all down so you don't forget them.  When Jessica was three she said she needed me to sit down as she had something serious to tell me...

"I just want you to know that I won't be living with you and Daddy forever. I will be leaving and I don't want you to be upset.  Kids don't live with their mummies and daddies for ever, it's just life..that's just the way it is"

Jess is now 32 and having been away for five years is now back home...I often think of that conversation.  I remember asking her if she would visit and to let me know when she was going so I could help her pack (while stifling laughter lol)

Also when I took her on holiday to my Mum's in Israel I bought her an expensive doll.  As we were heading home I said 'don't tell grandma I bought you a new doll" (my Mum was always saying I was spoiling her)  As we entered the apartment Jessica shouted "Grandma, Grandma I want to show you my old doll"  She was four years old at the time....

That reminds me of a time Silverlyn told me "Did you know that you used to be a baby too? And now that I'm not a baby anymore I am a big girl but then one day I won't just be a big girl I will be old like Gami"  Sssshh... don't tell my mom that!

Oh my goodness these are all so funny that I'm crying because I'm laughing so hard. I love reading them all!

Oh my goodness my kids are grown and my feeble mind can't remember what I had for dinner last night let alone cute things my kids said.  I wish wish WISH I had writen them down.  Great idea for all of you young/new mommies!



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