Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi everyone,

I'd love to get some advice from all of you, we'll be bringing our pup home in April, she'll be 9 weeks old. I'm planning on taking a week off from work, to get her adjusted to our home. But after that is when I have questions. My husband or my son will probably wake up with her, let her out for a potty break, feed her and then put her in her crate. As I work nights, I'll be home by 8.45, another potty break, play time then back in the crate. My kids wont get home until 3.30 from school. She'll be in the crate 51/2 hours. Should I not crate her on the days that I'm working( I only work 3 nights a week), maybe put her in a play pen with some pee pads? After she's older, I'm planning on sending her to half day day care, but that's only after 16 weeks. I definitely don't want to get a dog walker, Any advice?

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You know Joanne, I was just telling my husband the same thing, we're not getting a dog, but having our third child! I've read so many books on puppies, found out about vets, on amazon looking at doggie stuff all the time. Even found out about puppy kindergarten and doggie day care. It reminds me of the time when I was pregnant with my boys, the excitement, the planning and the fear!! Can you tell I'm excited?

It's true.  And for months, well years, you must worry about what they put in their mouths, what the poop looks like, how many times they go, potty training, well baby visits, shots, good nutrition, exercise, teeth brushing........  what they put in their mouths, what they put in their mouths...........

Then behavior training, manners in public, proper greetings, who their friends are...

what they put in their mouths too... like twigs, rocks, acorns, animal poop, false teeth, chapstick, lighters, boxes of aluminum foil... things like that.

Should I ask about the false teeth. No :)  Woosh, that is expensive.

Better yet. Set up a savings account!

Oh and GET PET INSURANCE right away. 

Start here for one

Ronna,  I'm not sure...   I just have always used "old fashioned" newspaper (just when I'm not home and the pup is confined) and when I'm home take the pup out religiously to pee outside.  That way they know that "outside" is the place to relieve themselves I guess,  because they just all of a sudden seem to "get it" ,  and no longer pee on the newspaper anymore.   At that point I just wouldn't put it down anymore because it wasn't needed. 

This has just always worked for me.

With Millie I didn't even bother putting newspaper down,  occasionally there'd be a pee on the floor but never anything else.  I must say though that she was never alone for long as I only work mornings and often somebody else is home as well.  She really is an all round easy dog though.....   so I'm pretty lucky!   :)

I am an RN too and I worked crazy hours when I first got Jack as I was on call.. I remember driving home from work after I picked Jack up from daycare praying my pager didn't go off before I got him home and fed... On more then one occasion Jack came in for a STEMI and I wouldn't leave him in the car. I put him in my bosses office :) I remember a real cranky doctor being on call and Jack howling in the office to get out.. I was dying..... but hey I wasnt leaving my baby in the car... The things we do for our babies...

I think no matter what your job you just find a way to make it work... I stayed home with Jack only for a four day weekend... I was lucky to have my mom come and babysit for two weeks after that... It was great.. She took amazing care of him and stuck to the potty schedule.

When she left... I had a dog walker come.. I actually had two different dog walkers.. sometimes when I was home sleeping.... not usually when I was home, I would just get up with him... I never left him in his crate for more then I would say about three hours... Soon as he had his third set of shots he went to daycare.

I was naive as Jack was my first puppy, in hind site I should have waited a bit longer.. but being he was so cute and a puppy he got extra care.. He stayed in an x pen in the main building where everyone came in and petted him.. Then he went to the puppy nursery.... It was great for him...  

I would get up with him during the day when you are sleeping... I know it stinks but I wouldn't let him potty on any surface, newspaper, pad or anything in the house, just like others stated, it will confuse him and prolong potty training....

It's just a few weeks to get worth it...I don't work right now and in the future when and if I go back to work it will be from home .. but where there is a will there is a way....

Congrats on your new little one..

Did you work in the Cath lab? I wish I could take my Pup in to work, but unfortunately the ICU is rather strict about canine visitors  :)  Do you think 16 weeks is too early for day care? It'll be only a couple of days a week, I thought it would help with the whole socialization.

At 16 weeks, when the shots are completed and the threat of Parvo is gone, I've heard wonderful things around DK about Puppy Day Care.

Socialization is so important!  

I think it is a great idea.  Start looking into a few places, visit the facilities, choose wisely and I think this will work great. 

Remember~ day care does not have newspaper/pee pads <wink>

My background is Emergency.. but I have Cystic Fibrosis and the germs were killing me literally.. so I went to a cleaner place in the hospital, Yes the Cath Lab..... 

Jack was very famous there because I talked about him non stop... They even gave me a puppy baby shower because I can't have kids.. they went all out for me.. No the ICU is not a place for a puppy though I bet it would bring the stress level way down for everyone.

I think to be safe the puppy needs all the shots.. Jack much to my shame and lack of knowledge went to daycare at 14 weeks.. I didn't know any better and the place took him.... Isn't 16 weeks when they have all their shots???? I say if they had all their shots go for it....... It makes them socialize with other dogs, play, they give the puppies a rest time... Jack had scheduled naps... but he always came home so, so tired.. He was way too tired to do anything but eat dinner and go to sleep..... It was a win win because I needed sleep and he was tired...

Do you have a list of daycares by you.. The daycare I used was much cheaper then the two dog walkers I hired by far....  Jack went to day care until I had to stop working, then I still brought him when I was going to go shopping or to the doctors all day... Now he would prefer to stay home so we don't go anymore. It was great for the first few years though.. I loved being able to bring him there when I worked or wanted to go out.. He loved it, He cried so hard to get out of the car as soon as we pulled in the driveway of his "school" That's how I knew he was okay there, otherwise he would not be so anxious to get in.

I love the ICU.. I was going to go there if I didn't go to the ER... 

Dogs in  hospitals. My neighbor and her dog both got C-Diff from hospital visits.   Just sayin'

I'm not surprised, I'm so paranoid. I take my shoes off in my car, Leave my bag in the car.....even use the bleach wipes on my phone.

No way!!!!! I did not know that dogs could get C diff!!!! I am really lucky Jack has never gotten it!



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