Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Four Years Ago tomorrow.. something in the world would happen, something that would change my life forever, only I didn't know it yet.. I was still contemplating getting a puppy. I was still researching... adding my budget.... finding daycares, vets and school prices .. trying to see if getting a dog was in my budget.... (little did I know Jack would be a gift for me)

On this day four years ago.... I knew I wanted a dog but couldn't figure out quite how to justify that money on a "dog" when I could get a "perfectly good one from this lady who keeps dogs in her back yard that would breed any kind I wanted" Oy VEY... 

I have no words to adequately express the love I have for Jack... Jack is a miracle in my life... Jack is the reason when I am tired and don't want to do my treatments that I do them because the thought of leaving him and going into the hospital drives me to the point of insanity.. Jack is the reason I take better care of myself.. Why I can name almost every approved dog food on our list, why I am passionate about dogs, all dogs.. not just doodles.. all dogs.. Jack has opened my eyes to a world I had no clue about.

Jack was my first dog.. He is my only child...  Jack was brought to me as a gift to help ease the pain of not being able to work.... Jack has brought more joy and more worry into my life then any living thing.. I have never loved so deeply....

I find it incredible that on the eve of Jack's birthday, four years later, I was offered a full time job working as an RN at home. by one of my good friends, bosses and director of the hospital... Full time benefits... Full time pay... and I never have to take my oxygen off. I can still wear my PJ's.. I know due to my condition I won't be able to do it for long but I am getting the chance again.... I get to stay home with Jack, do all my treatments, I can work from anywhere in the world as long as I have my phone and lap top..... It is a miracle.... you can bet if I am admitted and able to talk on the phone, I will still be doing my job.

Jack and I have so much to celebrate.... we don't need a lot of reason to celebrate, you see when you know how precious and fragile life and being alive is.. you find cause to celebrate just about anything... 

While I once again am facing a big medical challenge (sigh) .... we are believing it is one that I can manage from home with out patient treatments........and tomorrow, just like every day we will celebrate.. For we are alive and tomorrow we will be together with my mom, Molly and Jack and a few close friends.... We will celebrate that four years ago tomorrow, My little son was born. 

Tomorrow will be all about Jack.. not much different then any other day truth be told..I wouldn't have it any other way.. For Jack and I both live as if it was our last days... I always let him smell the pee where ever he wants... I will always honor him as a dog (except when I make him play dress up for a few minutes) I will honor him and his likes, his desires.. and I will make all his days happy just like looking at his precious face makes me happy.. 

In spite of crap health, I am the most blessed person in the world.. Health is nothing compared to the love I have.... 

Thank you for sharing your life with us.. Your stories, your love, your support, Thank you for allowing me to be an insane mom that comes up with crazy ideas that I think will extend my dogs life. Thank you for accepting me as I am and always keeping the "light on" when I have time to come and check in...

Jack brought all of you to me as well....and I am so grateful... Happy Birthday my sweet baby boy...  

I love you forever and ever.. and treasure every minute I have with you for as long as it is.

IOne more.. this I called..disgruntled birthday boy!

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Happy Fourth Birthday Jack!  Have a great day.  Jennifer, congrats on the job.  Wishing you and Jack the best.

Happy Birthday, Jack!!  We're all so glad that you found your mommy and that your mommy found DK!  You and your mommy are truly a match made in heaven!!

Happy Birthday Jack...And congrats Jennifer! 

Jennifer, you are an amazing person and the love and strength you have is an inspiration to us all!  So happy for you on your new position and know everything will be great!  Happy Birthday to you "both" and have a great celebration with love, fun and lots of Doodle Kisses and Hugs:)   

Happy Birthday sweet Jack boy!  How wonderful to have him to love Jennifer, and best wishes on your new job !

I just have to tell you again how much I admire you and your outlook! Give that adorable little man a hug and kiss from all of us! Happy Birthday Jack!!!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Jack!  Love your pics.  And, Jennifer, we hope you have a very Happy Day with Jack on his special day!  He has been such a blessing to you.  We are happy for you and your new job opportunity!

Happy Birthday to sweet little Jack!  Congrats on the job, Jennifer!  So glad things are working out for you!  Doodle Hugs to both of you!

Happy Birthday you special, special boy!

Happy Birthday Jack!  Jennifer, congrats on the new job!

A very Happy Birthday to sweet Jack! And congrats to you on your new job!!

Jack has the most expressive face! How wonderful that he has brought you so much joy and peace. And many congratulations on your new job--you continue to inspire us!



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