Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Another snowfall! And Willow had fun!! And she is limping.

Willow had soft tissue injury last time we got dumped with snow, and after 2 days on prescription medication from the vet, she was fine.

Today, it's the same leg, same limping, and we don't want to put her on a medication again so soon. We're of course not letting her off leash until she gets better, no jumping, no running, just resting.

Is there any home remedy to make this go away sooner?( Cold / warm compression? Massage??) 

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I am sorry to hear about Willow. For humans it is RICE, rest, ice, elevation and compression. I would think the most feasible part for willow is just the rest : (

Our beardie, Mayzie had the same thing when we had the last 20 inch snow a couple of weeks ago. It was a very slippery snow, and I think she may have slid and put a strain on one of her joints. We walked her on a leash for a couple of days and she was right as rain. Hope that's all it is with Willow.

We have had our fair share of leg injuries and have never been told to ice or heat any of them.  Really the best thing you can do, as long as you are certain it isn't severe, is just rest.  You can always get pain meds but then that just makes them feel better and they won't rest it.  I'd also be certain with this snow that there isn't just a clump of ice stuck in the paw pad or even a snow ball stuck in the hair on the leg that is pulling or something.  This latest snow is really wet and the snowballs between the toes can be painful.

Good idea about snowballs in the paws.  My dogs have always limped because of that and even been paralyzed ( stopped dead in the snow and would not walk) from the pain. Hoping maybe that is it and she has no problems once the ball has melted.

There are also pet massages.  Look up a Pet Massage Therapists in your area.

Limping in this case wasn't related to snowballs between pads, since this is 6 hours after the romp in the snow. But Willow did suffer from ice stuck between toes before.

I'll see how she is tomorrow and look up "pet message", either a therapist, or doing it myself. 

Thank you both!

We have used Arnica Montana in the past.  You can get it at the healthfood store.  My vet recommends it as a natural homeopathic remedy for trauma, sprains or after surgery.  We didnt want to give our older dog the Rx pain medication after she had a few teeth pulled, so he recommended the Arnica Montana as a natural healer.  I am a believer, because she showed no symptoms of pain while we were using the Arnica - she continued to eat like normal.  I have also given it to Annie once when she slammed her body around a door frame, from running and sliding across a rain soaked patio.  We used the 30C strength. 

Here is some info from Wikipedia: 


Thank you! I'll look into it. Where did you get Arnica Montana?

We got the Arnica at the health food/supplement store.  I doubt a place like GNC would have it, but any of your 'hippie dippie' health food stores should have it. 

Also, I didnt think of this yesterday - Turmeric, which most people have lying around at home, is also said to be effective.  I saw a holistic vet's presentation a few months ago where he recommended it for dogs with arthritis pain (or any pain).  I just quickly googled and found an old article from Time Magazine about Turmeric's effect on pain..  (not about dogs, but i'm sure there is info out there).,8599,1910028,00.html

Thank you!

Turmeric!! I wonder if it prevents dementia in dogs too. :)

Sorry to hear that Willow hurt herself. I hope she's better after a little rest. 

Thank you, everyone. I'll make sure Willow gets a good rest. We skipped afternoon walk and instead, she sniffed around in the backyard with us. It's funny how she doesn't limp when she's out and enjoying the snow. She just loves snow!

My DH has a bad knee and it hurts him every time it rains or is cold. I wonder if its the same for her where her joints will hurt because she's hurt it before?



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