Do not board your dog here or buy a dog from this lady. I do not even give this lady 1 star Her rating is a Zero from me. We got a Bernese Mountain Dog off of this kennel. The dog was defective and has moderate hip displaysia. The lady tried to blame the dogs "genetic defects" on the way we raised the dog. Obviously, these are genetic defects which come from the way the dog was bred! This lady runs what looks like a PUPPY MILL, smells like a PUPPY MILL... Therefore it is a PUPPY MILL! Do yourself and your family the favor and Never buy a dog from her. You will regret it in the end if you do, it will end in heartache and a headache for you.

I wish I would have done some research on this kennel before we got a dog from her I have read some really negative reviews. A newspaper wrote "Plantation Delight kennel in West Grove, a breeding facility and dog day care center. That kennel received warnings in each of five inspections in 2011, including for cages that were too small, rodent infestation, poor ventilation and for mixing adult dogs with nursing mothers and mixing intact females and males in the same cages."

Another man, John Sanderson, writes, "Plantation Delight-
Please review the Pa Dept of Agriculture website. Terrible inspection record. My dog died six days after being boarded there of pneumonia. Was in perfect health when boarding commenced."

I REPEAT DO NOT BUY OR BOARD YOUR DOG AT PLANTATION DELIGHT KENNEL! Sandy Reynolds does not care about the well being of any dogs she seems to only be in the business of raising defective dogs and charging exuberant prices for them. She seems to be in it just for the money. After "25 years" of breeding you think she would have healthier, happier dogs. She is a PUPPY MILL ... It's about quantity with her kennel not quality.