Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Your dad was wise. Even the weediest lawn, mine, doesn't look too bad when mown.
Well, aside from the fact that weed pollen is an allergy trigger, the roots of the weeds crowd out the roots of the grass and choke it out so that it can't grow and eventually you have no grass and no lawn, just patchy dirt and weeds. The weeds don't have as long a growing season as grass does, so you have nothing but dirt where the weeds will be for most of the year.
I actually asked my landscaper why I couldn't just plant weeds where the grass gets destroyed from too much wear, and that's what he told me. :)
"I actually asked my landscaper why I couldn't just plant weeds where the grass gets destroyed from too much wear"
Haha. That literally made me laugh out loud.
I really did. Clover, I think clover is pretty, lol. But he said I would have big dirt patches most of the year, which means I would have them inside too, thank to JD's feet!
I have tons of clovers right now =/ Zoe loves to roll in them!
Ohhh that makes sense! I was complaining all winter about our patchy lawn and was really happy lately that my lawn filled in with the "different type of grass"!
Yep! If only the weeds had the same growing cycle as the grass, lol!
AHHHH! I hate my gardener!
I actually should have said, the weeds die back when it gets cold and the grass doesn't, it just goes dormant. That's really the difference, not the growing season.
They are not necessarily bad and some
I'm nervous too. My gardener sprinkled my lawn last Wednesday with weed killer pebbles, then watered it in. I didn't know he was going to do it, but at least he told me about it, so I've been watching pooch carefully and not letting him lick or eat the grass and I'm wiping his paws when he comes back in. How long will that remain toxic for him? It hasn't been applied in many years, so I'm hoping that I can soak the heck out of it and have it become so diluted over the next few weeks that it won't hurt him to stay out alone again and play for an hour or two while I'm on long phone calls with customers. I found myself imagining that Kona was acting strange and wild yesterday and wondered if it was the weed killer making him different. I'm sure I'm just imagining things because he is fine today, but I'm bummed I let that happen.
I'm with you Gwyndolyn, nothing is going on my backyard from now on!
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