Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Record rainfall and one day of unseasonaly high temperatures on Thursday has led to massive flooding in Muskoka.  Huntsville and Bracebridge have both declared Emergency Situations due to the loss of infrastructure.  There are hundreds of roads closed due to flooding and washouts, including Highway 11 in two areas near Huntsville.  They are predicting significant flooding in the Huntsville town centre today and tomorrow as the Muskoka River and Big East River are predicted to burst their banks.  

The night before (this is usually a small pond)

The little road I live on has also been washed out, I had to wade through three times yesterday to get out to work and take Chase to his Focus class.  My car is stuck in our garage on the wrong side of the washout so I have had to get rides and now borrow a car for the weekend.  I'm picking up a rental car on Monday - we live on a privately owned road and it could be weeks before it is fixed.  Oh, and just for an extra kick in the teeth..... it is snowing today!

After (I think I need to join the photography group to learn how not to stick my thumb over the lens of my iPhone all the time!!)

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Wow Stella.  Unreal.  I feel for you.  It was so dry for so long and now nothing but rain.  I was just hoping that the rain would fill up Georgian Bay so that we won't have to extend our water line yet again.  We had a few flurries today as well.  This was supposed to be cottage opening weekend, but we put it off as it is still so cold and "un"springlike.  Keeping a good thought for you.  Bad luck that you have to rent a car.  I hope the water does not do any damage to your house.  Keep us posted.

Luckily our house is on high ground, so no worries there. I have a scent detection workshop in Gravenhurst tomorrow, so hoping I am going to be able to get there!! My borrowed car for the weekend is a Honda Civic, and the rental I am getting is a Ford Fiesta - the next few days are going to be a tight squeeze for me and the doods!!

How are you holding up today?  The story was on the news tonight.  Looked like a shot of the dam at Huntsvile (downtown) just gushing water and they said they were expecting higher water.  Thinking of you Stella.

Luckily our house is on high ground, so we are dry here. The water around our property has dropped a bit, so I can now walk through the washout without getting wet feet! The clinic I work in is downtown Huntsville. The whole plaza is flooded. Our building was sandbagged and they sealed the doors with spray foam!! My boss said water us coming in through the floor :( The muskoka river is amazingly high (in the places where is hasn't burst it's banks). The water level is supposed to peak tonight for Huntsville before moving downstream to Bracebridge in the next couple of days. So many people gave had their homes flooded and had to move out. It is terrible.
Thanks for thinking of us!!



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