Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My little Laila is so sweet and loving, with the exception of eating leaves and grass in our back yard, I have no problems with her. She's 9 weeks and has been home with us for 2 days, I'm just starting to wonder if she's shy or fearful. Our breeder thought she was perfect for us as I'd told her that we were looking for a low to medium energy puppy who's loving and likes to be cuddled.

When I first met her, along with her sister who was very hyper, she seemed shy and initially didn't come to me, but she warmed up in about 15 mins and let me hold her and give her a tummy rub. Now she follows me and my son around the house but seems to be shy around my husband. She's hesitant around him and won't follow him, but will lick his hand when he comes close. She will start puppy kindergarten in a week, and I'm planning on taking her out every day, without putting her down so that she gets ample opportunities for socialization. Am I worrying too much?

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She sounds like my Laila, I took her to my Gym, to meet a friend and she hid behind  me when people came up to her.But after a while, when I placed her in my friend's arms, she mellowed out and enjoyed a belly rub and having her ears scratched.

The day I brought Fozzie home my dad reached out to pet him and Fozzie snarled and snapped at him.  I almost had a panic attack at that moment.  I wish I had had DK support back then:)  But he turned out to be a wonderful kind therapy dog who will go up to anyone and let them pet him.  As everyone has said, give her some time adjust and begin socializing her. 




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