Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

DRC is my favorite all time rescue dog group ever. If you ever want to do something for me, donate to them. 

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No home yet a few for real interests though...we will see how it pans out...

We volunteer with a lot of rescue groups. It's how we got the 2 most wonderful pups. In my experience 99% of breeders are not actually reputable. The ones that are reputable are still breeding more dogs into a society that kills 4 million unwanted dogs a year. It's easy to get high and mighty and talk about what a breeder should or shouldn't do... but at the end of the day they're a dog breeder, their very existence contributes to the overpopulation of unwanted dogs.

As the original poster said, not all the facts are available in this case. No one even mentioned a timeline yet - this might have happened within days, and a good natured breeder might be across the country or needs time to make room. The breeder is, at the very least, reaching out to their network to try and rehome these.

The owner is trying to rehome them as a pair, and that can complicate things. Breed Specific Rescue Groups have a great mission, but they almost always have very aggressive and idealistic qualifications that scare away potential adopters or people looking to rehome. We live in an apartment in an urban area , which instantly disqualifies us from most breed specific groups -- including the local doodle ones -- which often require suburbs with large fenced in yards. If we had children under 12? Another instant disqualification. I'm sure that everyone on this site is a wonderful dog-parent and could give these two -- or others -- a wonderful home filled with love, attention and plenty of exercise. But most of you instantly wouldn't qualify to rehome or rescue though the various breed specific groups.

If we were the owner of these 2, and wanted to find a good home nearby , the last place we would look is a breed specific group -- unless there was a local version. I know of Italian Greyhound and Rottweiler groups that only rehome within our city. Almost all others will divert to another state or suburbs. We'd work through personal networks and local mixed breed groups to try and find a suitable home. Having to give up a dog is a ridiculously painful experience, I can't imagine agreeing to do it knowing that they would be moved hours away and I would never see them again.

I wonder how the rescue groups with whom you volunteer would feel about this post. What you have said about rescue groups and particularly breed specific rescue groups is unfairly negative and more than a little bit slanted towards the viewpoint of the humans involved in this situation. That's the thing, nate. The rescues are advocates for for the dogs, not the humans. The best interests of the dogs are the focus. 

If you look at the statistics, it is glaringly clear that owners rehoming dogs themselves results in a 100% greater lieklihood that the dog will not remain in the new home for life and will be shuffled around and end up eventually in a shelter than when dogs are rehomed through private rescues. 

It is also not true that breed specific rescues move dogs far from home. There are many owners who ask that the dog remain in the general area, and the rescues do their best to honor that.

And, yeah, when you give up a dog, you usually never see them again. That's what "give up" means. It doesn't mean "You can take care of my dog and assume responsibility for him, but I get to see him sometimes." BTW, good way to assure that the dog remains confused, never adjusts to the new home and owner, and continues to wait for you to take him home again. If you think it's a painful experience for the person, what do you think it's like for the dog. Oh, I forgot, we aren't thinking about the dogs.

I wonder how anyone who has looked at what the group of selfless volunteers who are the DRC and IDOG have done to literally save the lives of thousands of homeless, neglected, and critically ill doodles and post something so negative about them. People who give their time, their money, their energy and their hearts to helping these dogs find permanent loving homes, often at great sacrifice and at no benefit to themselves. I honestly don't understand how anyone who claims to be a volunteer for any rescue could do this.

As a volunteer who has spent many a sleepless night crying over an abandoned dog who couldn't be saved, I am deeply offended by this. 

Gee, I guess the owners of these dogs should have re-homed them themselves, too. What a mistake they made involving the rescue:

I have a baby, so I also wouldn't qualify either - and trust me, I am a better dog mama than the majority of people I think (not to toot my own horn or anything!). The reason they have such strict rules on that is because 95% of the dogs that they see are given up because of children being in the home (no time, busy schedule, possibly a bite, etc...).  The goal of rescue is to find FOREVER homes for these dogs.  So while I respect your opinion, I absolutely see why the DRC would not give me a doodle from their program.   

A & K's mom,  that's discrimination, and could cost a non-profit their registration, their insurance, and their funding, and not to mention a law suit. The policies have to apply to everyone, and they cannot be subjective or discriminatory. 

Karen, this is a really good point and I'm glad you took the time to make this clear. I hope that everyone can see how be terrible for the poor dogs involved if the rescue had to be shut down because they bent/broke the rules for an applicant.

Thank you also for all the work you do for doodles in need.

Thank you, Becka, we appreciate your support. Nothing is perfect, but I think most of our active members here would agree that the good the rescue does for the dogs far outweighs the imperfections. DK members have been the most generous supporters imaginable, and none of what we do would be possible without you. 

Exactly, Allyson.

95% of all doodles who are given up by their owners are given up because of something  related to children in the home. The DRC has had to raise the age limit twice, it used to be 5, because of this. The deck has to be stacked in favor of the giving the dog the best chance at never having to go through a rehoming again, and the sad fact of the matter is that homes with young children are much, much more likely to give up a dog than homes without young children. 

A not-for-profit has to have policies that apply to everyone. They cannot discriminate and say "well, these children are okay but these aren't." It isn't, and cannot be, personal. Most kids love dogs, but not all kids know how to interact with dogs, and not all parents know how to teach them. How many posts have we seen here about problems with puppies nipping kids, biting kids, jumping on kids, etc., and the parents having no idea what to do about it? Dozens. We have also seen people posting that they are thinking of rehoming the dog because of these issues, and that's right here on DK where we all are such great owners and love our doodles. People take it personally, but it is not personal. When I adopted Jack, my live-in grandson was 6. There were many rescues that would not adopt to us, and I was a rescue volunteer. My GS had lived with dogs from the day he came home from the hospital. But I understood the reasons why we would not be allowed to adopt.

 There are very good reasons for the policies of most charitable organizations, and until you understand them, it really isn't fair to criticize the good work they do.

Thank you for your support, your understanding, and your mature attitude. You are definitely a better dog mama than the majority of people. 

I am so incredibly sorry. I suppose when I make a post I should follow it through but the truth is I did not come back and see these posts until now and after I make this comment I will close the discussion period.

I have not been able to be on DK today I am not well and I just didn't get a chance to go back and read this.. first and foremost... my stance is DRC is the most amazing loving awesome dog specific rescue group I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. DRC and all the volunteers work their behinds off to make sure that each dog has the best home and that they have the best chance of not being rehomed.. If anyone knows me and my love for Jack... It is written for DRC to be contacted if I and my mom die..but also for money to follow along with them.

I am so freaking sorry I posted this on here you can rest assured I will never post on here about a dog needing rehoming under any circumstance.. what I meant for good has caused more heart ache then anything and worse for an organization that I believe in with my entire heart to have mud slung at it... when I know the heart ache these people face daily seeing the tragic conditions sweet innocent dogs face and DRC is the one to pick up the pieces... are the protective?? DARN right they are.. walk a day in their shoes.. I can not do it my heart breaks.... 

To the people who are upset that DRC has stringent rules about where the dogs go.. instead of being upset about it, how about being grateful that these people care so much about the dog.. it isn't about you it is about the dog and their years and years of experience with this has lead them to the rules they have come up with. I am sure DRC wouldn't give me a dog for good either and I have a fenced in back yard and am single with no kids.. My health sucks and I can't provide stability....  AM I mad at that?? NO I highly respect DRC.... I am devastated that I made a post that would even lead to anyone saying anything about them other then sing their praises and now I wish I could make this whole post disappear.

Adina if you can remove this post I appreciate it.. 

To the people who are upset about not being able to rescue a dog from DRC I ask you this are you more interested in the dogs best interest or what you want?

Please forgive me for anything out of line.  



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