Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Here is an odd question, but I need to get a new car and am also waiting for the arrival of my new fantastic Standard English Goldendoodle (YAY!!).  So here is my question - what kind of car is working or not for a dog that size?  Do I need a small SUV (I am thinking for his crate?) or just a roomy hatchback?  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks doodle community!!

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Very exciting. a new puppy and a new car..Get the car you want, your puppy will just be happy hanging out with mom- You may want to get one of those seat covers for dogs, incase of sickness or accidents. Oh and get a harness- ASAP and start putting her/him in it and go for short rides to get used to it. I did not do that with Lilly and it was lots of whining on her part to realize she couldn't ride in mama's lap.

 We have two goldendoodles and an SUV, Because they are under 25 lbs they have a dog car seats. They get buckled in and since it is tall enough, they can look outside. We are currently on a two yr live in a motorhome adventure. They do just great buckled in the their harnesses on the sofa without the doggy car seats because they can see out without them.

enjoy both of your new babies.


I have a Ford Flex and I love it as there is plenty of room for crates and such even with it seating 5 or I can still fit dogs in the back with no crates and seat 7.
I recently purchased a Honda CRV and I HATE it! It does work for hauling dogs without a crate -and there is plenty of room to do so with it seating 5 but if you add a crate it does not work unless you put all the seats down. It will not even fit a medium hard kennel in the back unless it is sideways when I haul foster puppies. ( we have 2 dogs ride in the trunk area a 80# GSDX and a 50# doodle with enough room with no crates but one usually sits)
I highly suggest measuring the crate and the car to see what will work and don't forget the seats usually angle back a bit at the top.



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