Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Sophie is 13 weeks old and is doing really well with potty training.  Tonight, I took her outside and she must have squatted 4 to 5 times in a 5 minute walk.  I worried about why she was squatting so much.  I brought her inside and within 5 minutes, she peed in the family room.  I immediately took her outside and she squatted again.  I could not tell if anything happened.

Brought her in and within 10 minutes, she peed again in the house - took her outside - she squatted - brought her in and again within 10 minutes she peed again by the back door.  Basically in 1 hour, she peed 3x in the house plus squatted every time I took her outside.

Do you have any idea what could be wrong?  Typically, I take her outside to potty every 1 hour and she's been great.  I have never had her have 3 accidents within 1 hour.

Any advice would be appreciated.  I'm worried about her because this is so out of the ordinary.



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It sounds very much like Sophie has a urinary tract infection. She will need antibiotics from the vet. A urine sample, if you can collect one, would be very helpful. This is common in female puppies.

Yup....sure does sound like a UTI.  Please let us know what you find out.

I agree with F.

I totally agree with F.  What I did was place a 500 ml sour cream container under Myla when she peed first thing in the morning and brought that to the vet with me.  It was a UTI and she went on antibiotics for a week.  She was 12 weeks old and has never had it since and she is now 14 months old!  I also thought she was going backward in her training.  As soon as she started the antibiotics she never had an accident in the house again.

I agree with the others, sounds like a UTI to me. 

I would def take a urine sample to the vet in a clean vile. the vet might say that since it is not a 'clean' sample, meaning it is not sterile, they may not want to do a culture.  I would have them do a culture anyway. The vet attempted to get a sterile sample from Samantha (by sticking a needle into her bladder) but they couldn't get it. I asked him to a culture anyway and it turned out to be a staph infection. Knowing what the bacteria is makes the decision as to which antibiotic should be used.

I would give her yogurt while she is on antibiotics. I also boil up craisins (not raisins) and chop up and put in her food. 

I hope Sophie feels better real soon!!

I agree UTI ....

UTI - get a urine sample and use  a container right from the dishwasher without touching the inside or the lid inside and that will be close enough if not sterile for a culture.  it probably hurts to pee, too.  poor baby.  keep us posted 

Thank you everyone!  I appreciate all of the advice!!!!!

I have never had to collect urine and my doods are boys but a friend with girls uses a soup ladle to collect urine. It is the "pee spoon" as she calls it.

Hudson just started with the same UTI symptoms an hour ago, already squatted/dribbled on the pad about 10 times. It is late in the evening and I can't get her to a vet, so I am wondering if anyone has any home remedies to help soothe her?

What are your thoughts on plain/non-fat yogurt (she loves it anyways), diluted apple cider vinegar in her water or yogurt, baking soda in her water, cranberry juice, or vitamin C (how do you give a dog vitamin C when the store is closed?...human vitamin C?)

Cranberry capsules from the drugstore might help. None of the rest will do any good and might keep her from drinking which she needs to do for her UTI. The only thing that will do the job is an antibiotic.



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