Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Please share any experiences you may have...
I have no experience with Citronella Dog Collars, however I personally get so sick with those Citronella Mosquito candles. The headaches are incredible, my throat burns, and often times nausea. If someone lights one, I leave right away. What do they do to dogs if it does this to me?
I understand many live in close proximity to neighbors, maybe gone all day and while at work the dog barks, or various other reasons one may have to be used.
It took me a long time, but I have been successful in teaching Spud to' Shhh" and he gets it. My husband works funny hours and I just worked really really hard at this. But, just because it worked for me, I understand not all dogs can stop.
It certainly is worth a try. It is like teaching a 3 year old to stop talking! HA. But, again, I would never use one because I cant
Your dog is very young. Dogs BARK. It did take me awhile to perfect, Shhh.
First I taught Speak. Then, from there, I tried to use, NO Speak. That didn't work so well. Kind of, but not really. He would get loud and soft and then use his ' I'm so frustrated bark' ( yes he has one)
I did start whispering, ' speak' He was able to grasp that concept quickly and he gave a whisper bark. It sounds cute really.
So, I changed my tone of voice with a whisper, NO speak, and added Shhhhhhhhhhh, Shhhhh, Shhhh
Now, just using shhhhh, he gets it! :)
Listen to your dog.
One thing that used to be true about scented products and dog products too, is they are not always regulated by the FDA. They are not food even though, we are inhaling them. So they can put anything in those products they want. Pheromone Calming Scents are another problem with some cancer causing agents in the vapors. Fabreeze is another killer for me.
Good Luck. Dogs bark and many times, it is a good thing.
I'm so sorry this happened to your dog :(
We are getting some tomorrow to use when we go in our RV. When we are with them, we control the barking, but when we leave them in the RV they bark at people, so...... guess we will find out if they have any negative reactions. I did notice that you can buy an unscented spray refill - but I am not sure if it would do the job.
The Citronella plant, itself, it Toxic to dogs. So, in the bark collars, they really dont use them. Maybe you got a Chinese version and actually do have an element of the plant :(
I understood this all wrong. I changed it below
There is a lot more information out there if you do a search
I am disgusted that they use the name Citronella to market a product that really has no citronella in it. Some people may mistake this and make their own~ thus making a really sick dog
I just did a quick review. Maybe I have this wrong but this is how I understood it
Your site lists citronella as being toxic. Does that mean that citronella anti-barking collars are dangerous to dogs?
The answer is no, Ted—in most cases. While citronella oil does have the potential to be toxic in large amounts, the amount many collars use in their spray is relatively small. Most contain about 10 percent citronella. This level might potentially be an issue for animals who have a history of respiratory problems, but otherwise we would not expect to see any problems.
Here's a discussion from last week about a member who is successfully using a citronella collar:
I have had 100% success with the citronella no-bark collar. Camus has only activated the collar twice! First time was his standard barking at anyone who walked by our fence (including the neighbors) second time was when he appeared to be testing the collar :) He woofed softy. Since then he has not barked at all when outside. He comes to me when he wants me to open the dog door tail wagging and patiently waits while I put his collar on. Since he does not bark when the collar is on he does not get the citronella mist. I do not see any harm in using the collar.
I use the citronella collar with Kona. She used to get into these uncontrollable barking jags at strange people or people with strange "things" on them, backpack, large sun hats, anything that looked different. When she started to do this with children is when I knew I had to do something. NOTHING would break her of non stop barking with glazed eyes.
The collar did it, and it didn't take but a couple of squirts for her to "get it". Once she got it, all I had to ask is if she wanted the collar? She shut up.... When we were getting her under control, I would shove it on my arm, let her know I had it, and for the most part all was well. If she did do something unacceptable, I put it around her neck, she would pout until I took it off and be a good girl. They are smart, and these "bad things" weren't administered by us, but to themselves.
I have had some sort of success with the collar. Picco just hates having anything sprayed or blown into his face so when the collar is around his neck (it doesn't necessarily have to be on) he is cautious about barking. But sometimes he forgets and will bark while wearing it, then next time I have to remember to turn the sprayer on as a reminder.
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