Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum


So it's been an exciting week with Arthur and now we are into week number 2.  I've posted a couple of times since joining. Once to introduce the both of us and the second time a little stressed out with the inability to crate train our bub.  We still can't crate train him very well and I've spent all week sleeping on the sofa.  But either way, we absolutely adore him!  


His first pictures I posted, many of you commented on how sad and anxious he looked.  To be honest, he's incredibly happy but he does look super sad all the time.  He truly has the whole puppy-dog-eyes thing going on lol.  But here are some new ones taken a couple of days ago.


My main issue right now is getting the smell of pee out of the house.  We have religiously cleaned any accidents instantly, but it's in the air.  Any miracle tips for that one?



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Be still my heart, I think I am in love sweet.

My Word- he is a looker!  What a handsome boy!  One picture, cuter than the next! 

Just Natures' Miracle and fresh air!  good luck with that.  

What a cutie!

Arthur is SO cute!

What a cutie! He sure looks comfortable on the couch :-). Nature's Miracle - Stain & Odor Remover

He is adorable and those eyes, OMD beautiful!  

What a cutie!

I'm going to also recommend Nature's Miracle - that stuff works REALLY well!  (Works for non dog-related odours too!)

Arthur is just adorable. The other are right. Make sure you've cleaned up all spots and air out the rooms.

What an adorable puppy you have!  

I'd like to suggest that you try to take your little cutie-pie outside to relieve himself more frequently.  When we first brought Charlotte home, we were out on the grass every 20-30 minutes.  It was a bit exhausting, but doing so totally helped speed up the whole potty-training process.  Obviously, the sooner that Arthur learns to pee outside, the sooner your home will smell fresh and clean again.  And, if confining him to an area without carpeting or rugs is an option, that would probably help, too.

Also, and totally unrelated, since Arthur is so photogenic and you're great with a camera, you might enjoy being a part of Doodle Kisses' photography group.  

oh my- those puppy eyes are melting my heart Arthur!  Ive only used Nature's Miracle (great price on Amazon) for urine odors during our early puppy months. I also use Meyer's lavender candles just because they are relaxing at the end of my day;)

That is one sweet face!  Enjoy!

He's adorable!  His eyes are so big!!!  and his nose is so black!!!!!  Love him!



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