Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

On Monday I found a lump on Bodi's neck.  My heart sank.  I was at the vet Tuesday morning. The vet examined Bodi.  Too far back for a tooth abscess. This lump was BIG.  Not quite golf ball sized, but almost.  My wonderful vet said very gently that this could be an infection in the salivary gland . . . or cancer. I kept it together, but I was very scared.  Bodi didn't have a care in the world - let the vet examine, probe, etc.  The vet decided that we should treat for infection.  He gave Bodi an anti-inflamatory (sp!)  and an antibiotic.  That was Tuesday and today THURSDAY I can not even find a lump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Of course I will continue with the meds and keep my return visit, but I am ONE HAPPY DOODLE MOM!

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Thanks for all of the 'doodle love'.  I'm enjoying every minute with Bodi (who is not enjoying the fireworks!)  He is under the desk in his cave, keeping my feet warm!

Glad to hear that it looks like it was just an infection and things are looking good.  Keep us posted should anything change.

So awesome to hear!

Yay!  What a huge relief!

TWO happy doodle moms!!

Chloe had surgery Tuesday on a bump that would not go away. The incision seems huge to us. They were able to see right away that it was a gland cyst and not a tumor. Worst heart sinking feeling ever to feel something scary on your doodle baby.

So happy for you and Bodi!! Glad it worked fast so the worry wouldn't linger!

Yay for Chloe!!  We worry about our doodles so much.  Glad we both have happy results!


Glad to hear it, Jennifer!

Jennifer, that's great, great news!!!

Jennifer, happy to hear this about your sweet girl as well.

Wow, how stressful, but so glad things are looking much better! Stay well Bodi!

That is great news!  So happy for you and Bodi!

Wonderful news and I am sure it was very scary!



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