Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

What type of product are you using for fleas control. My vet gave me a flea collar

Hi everyone,

My vet gave me a flea collar at our last  visit (he was 6 months old)about a month ago. What I am reading about the collar does not seem be safe for him and for us as well. Could you please share what you are using for your little friends?




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I am not a fan of flea collars.  I use Frontline Plus for Camus and it works well.

Frontline Plus, on two dogs and one cat, since 2004. No fleas or ticks, no adverse effects or reactions. My current dog has some severe immune system issues and still tolerates the Frontline very well. 

Frontline Plus is what we use.  The problem with it is that the fleas have to bite the dog in order to be poisoned.  We never used to have a flea problem but now that we do, I find a few dead fleas.

K9 Advantix II ( for fleas and ticks)
I'm thinking this vet may have brain damage because he wore a collar too,
Yes, I'm being sarcastic, but really, horrible recommendation.
Run .... To get a new vet!

We use Revolution for Luna - 3 years running and no ticks or fleas.  The only internal parasites she's gotten were after peak season after the Revolution runs out.

K9 Advantix for us.  We tried Trifexis but it gave Brinkley mild seizers the day we gave it to him. He's pretty sensitive so I've learned that I need to spread out his meds- flea and tick meds the first of the month; Heartguard the 15th of the month. 

Frontline Plus worked for us until a couple years ago.  My vet said their patent expired which allowed many generics to come on the market at once, causing immunity to it in some areas.  They said it was their worst year for fleas ever-- and had to designate a front desk person JUST to handle flea questions.  That's when we switched to K9 Advantix and haven't had an issue since. 

K9 Advantix II

Frontline Plus.

We used K-9 Advantix with great success. Zack was put on Pyoben (medicated) Shampoo. It washes off the topical treatmen. He is now on Scalabor flee and tick collar. I guess time will tell if it works.

We use Trifexis and have not had any issues. 

Frontline Plus.  So far works fabulous.  I was a few days late with putting it on last time, and did find a tick on Millie just that fast!

We use Frontline Plus on Seamus.



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