Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hi all,

Our new boy arrived late last night after almost two weeks of trying to get him here to Iowa.  He's 8 months old and weighs 75ish pounds (F1 labradoodle I do believe is what he is, have to look at the papers yet).

He loves to jump up on people, I live in town and this is NOT an option, how do I break him of this habit?

I will be getting him into puppy training classes as soon as they start up again in September.  He seems to understand the concept of sit but is very stubborn and doesn't want to do what he's told to do.  My husband John with Oliver aka Junior.


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First of all, he is gorgeous, I love the scruffy look.  I am not a trainer but if he understands the concept of sit then as he comes toward me I would use the hand gesture and a firm sit, if he jumps up I would push him off and loudly/firmly use the word off.  If he sits he gets praised and petted as long as he stays in that position, if he jumps he gets nothing.  The best word in our vocabulary for Meg is the Eh-Eh.  We seem to catch her bad behaviors quicker with that than anything.  I am sure people with better training skills than mine will be responding soon.

We pay NO attention to Luna if she doesn't have all four paws on the ground.  We instruct our visitors to do the same since she was a puppy.  She quickly learned that if she jumps up she doesn't get anything fun.

She very rarely jumps up now (only when super excited and it's someone she knows well), but responds to the "off" command.

Common problem.  My ALD (3 years) still has that habit and the thing that I found that was most effective with him is a squirt bottle.  It only has water in it, but when he misbehaves, I take the bottle and just point it at him.  He settles right down.  When someone comes to the door, he starts barking and jumping so I make him sit and wait until I open the door.  My large doodle has another habit that seems really strange.  He loves to kiss.  He is 30 inches and 85 pounds so thankfully he does not jump on people but he leaps up in the air and gives them a lick on the chin without touching them.  He doesn't do this to everyone, just special people that he loves to see.  You will find what works for your doodle.  Just remember to keep those expectations and get him to obey you.  And you need to teach him the word "off" right away. They really just want to please you and jumping and kissing are two things that they know how to do!

First of all, Oliver is adorable. If he just arrived yesterday, he hasn't even figured out what is going on yet. Everything is new and he is probably feeling confused and not sure what is expected of him. I would first spend some time bonding with him.  How can you say he is stubborn on day one? He may have no clue what you are asking him to do and the new surroundings, strange people, new commands, etc. may just be overwhelming to him. It takes time for his true personality to emerge in a new situation. I would continue to work on sit and ignore him until all four paws are on the ground. Praise, praise, praise him, too. He wants to please you. He just might not know how yet. You might want to also call your vet and see if he/she could recommend a good dog trainer in your area. Good luck!

Look at that handsome boy!!!   I wouldn't say he's stubborn as much as inexperienced and untrained.  Good training will help you teach him how to behave and make that good behavior reliable. 

He is a cutie. Mine get over excited with visitors to this day.
We got our Goldendoodle Oliver at 11 months. I already had Ellie a two year old Goldendoodle. After settling in for about 6 weeks we did some one on one work with a trainer. It really made a difference!!! We now have him 6 months and he is in a routine and has adjusted Beautifully! He is now 80lbs of complete "JOY"..........Be Patient and GOOD LUCK, he's Adorable~

The place he came from in TX told me that he has a stubborn streak.

Ok another issue and then I need to go take a nap.  We have a 12 pound sheltie and he keeps putting his paw on her back and pushing her down to the floor.  Is this dominance and whether it is or not how do I stop him from doing this?  She's 15ish and has arthritis, etc.

So far the cats are staying away from him, unless he's in his crate and then they come up to him to check him out, he chased Pepper last night once,  that was actually hubs fault, but didn't catch him!


Oliver is adorable and he is just trying to figure out what is going on and "testing" the waters!  Our two year old Labradoodle still at times jumps up on people (especially family) but we tell the people to ignore her and turn their backs and it works almost every time!  Libby likes attention, but when they ignore her, she "gets it" and stops jumping on them! It will take time for him to get adjusted and feel good about his new home and owners. Give lots of hugs, snuggles and love and he will be a happy Doodle!  They are incredible dogs, and fun and enjoy your Doodle:)

His coat is wirey and I have to admit I love it!  I gave him a full pat down and he doesn't appear to have his baby coat anymore so whoever had him was at least grooming him on a regular basis.

I'm definately going to work on his jumping by turning my back on him, I really hope this works!!!

Congratulations on your darling doodle! You've gotten great advice here. I hope the family and Junior figure out all the best ways to get along. Everything is brand new so it may take some time, but I'm sure you are all eager to please one another. ;o)



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