Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Well, we've had a good and long streak of Brinkley being healthy. My friend even said to me the other day, "gosh, he's been doing really well. No tummy issues and no itching for quite a while." On Tuesday night I noticed he was getting tired faster and sleeping more. But then he got a huge burst of energy and was back to barking and playing-- so I thought I was just being a worrisome doodle owner. Then Wednesday, he did the same thing-- back and forth between having spurts of energy and sleeping more but didn't show any signs of discomfort (and he didn't show the normal signs I've seen when he's had pancreatitis in the past.) I did notice he wasn't eating as much but he was still chugging water like normal. Wednesday afternoon he barked at person going by and in between a few barks, he'd "cough" or act like he was choking. That was a one-time thing-- and hasn't reoccurred since. (He's vaccinated against kennel cough; the last time he was at the groomer and a pet store was a month ago; I don't take him to dog parks; and he hasn't been to doggie day care in 9 months. He has a buddy that he plays with 2-3 times a week, who is also vaccinated and doesn't go to dog parks).

We took him on his normal walk and he didn't poop. That's when I got a little more concerned because Wednesday's morning BM was tiny. He's normally like clockwork-- but he hadn't eaten as much either. I also noticed one paw that was bothering him. He started licking it and it was red and a bit tender. I put the medicine on his paw that we have from the past and that's helping.

Last night, he woke me up with a semi-groan. He wanted me to be by him. When I'd get up to get back in bed, he'd do it again until I'd come back down on the floor (imagine me, 8 1/2 months pregnant, laying on the floor next to Brinkley).

This morning he didn't want to go on his walk. I took him outside; he peed and then wanted to go back in and sleep. Before he slept though, he drank a lot of water (which when he's developing pancreatitis he never drinks).

He just slept on my bed all morning.

So I'm stumped. I made a vet appointment for him. The only one they had was at 7:15 tonight! They are never that busy. And it's with the one doctor that I don't care for but I don't feel comfortable waiting until tomorrow, so I'll suck it up and see her and I'll just be firm with her-- she drives me nuts.

Any thoughts?

Here he is not feeling well:



Oh boy-- after that visit I now remember why I refuse to see that particular doctor. She loves to hear herself talk; she throws out terms that no non-med person would understand; and every time I see her I walk out of there spending at least $300 bucks. When I see my favorite vet I spend around $100 but his wife just had a baby so he wasn't there. No matter how many times I ask her to explain what she's doing and why, I end up even more confused with her.

Oh and we had our normal argument that she and I always have because she says Orijen is the reason for his GI issues. Say what?!? You mesn those GI issues hes' stopped having since he's been on the food (until today). She went on to tell me that dogs aren't carnivores and people just take away grains because they self-diagnose dog allergies-- but most dogs with allergy issues have problems with turkey and chicken not grains. I went on to tell her that my understanding was that most allergies are environmental not food related.... and when I told her we chose Orjjen not because of allergies, but because of its higher Omega 3 content and that Omega-6 fats tend to be a pro-inflammatory, she was quiet. I then said I refuse to buy her rx food bc I've noticed a huge difference in Brinkley's health with his long term use of Orijen so this portion of the conversation needed to end.

So, all of his blood work came back normal. She didn't have any ideas other than general GI issues. She sent us home with some meds and a $354 bill.

Brinkley drank water before we left for the vet and at the vet so he was back to drinking. When we came home he scarfed down a couple boiled chicken breasts and started perking up. Then I checked his food bag and found ANTS!!! His food had ants in it and I didn't know it. I think he was starving himself for the last few days bc his food had ants in it. I keep it sealed but the seal was broken. So I fed him more chicken and he drank more and perked up even more. I think he was weak from not eating.  Time will tell but I can't believe it could possibly be because his food was infested and he was starving. :(


Brinkley is still perky but he woke me up in the middle of the night last night after refusing to come to bed.  He insisted he sleep by the door.  He only does this when his tummy hurts and he needs to go outside quickly.  I heard him crying at 4 so I let him out.  He peed and then came back in and resumed his position at the door.  At 7am he woke me up crying (I know this cry-- it's like no other one he does-- and he only does it when he needs to go outside due to diarrhea.)  I opened the door and he bolted outside.  He had diarrhea-- it was basically liquid. This has happened three times this morning (7am, 9:30am & 11:45am).  So I decided to start him on the meds that the doctor gave us.  He's still drinking his normal amount.  I get so stressed when he's sick.  It's been a rough few days in our house between him being sick and a few other stressors.  Maybe the ants in the food was pure coincidence and he really isn't feeling well?  Or is he getting diarrhea because he didn't eat for a few days-- and now he's eating?  Prob. not. 


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Sorry, i have no clue but I hope he gets better soon.

Thanks!  It's just been an odd combo of symptoms.  I nomally know him so well that I can pinpoint what's going on.  Not this time. :(  We will see.

Awww, this picture is so sweet of Brinkley.  I would definitely get him into the vet!  Too bad it is later tonight. Maybe you can call and ask if there is a cancellation they could call you.  I hate it when our Doodles are just not themselves:(  Sounds maybe like a tummy issue??

Thanks.  They said they'd call if someone cancels.  :(

Such a cute picture but hate that he doesn't feel well.  I so wish they could talk!  Maybe he ate something on his walk (lots of people are treating their lawns at this time of year and I know that Libby sometimes grabs a mouthful before I can stop her and the she throws up....).  I hope it's just something minor - please let us know!

Yeah, that's possible.  I will let everyone know!

I have no idea, but I am glad you are taking him in - he is definitely telling you he doesn't feel well. Keep us posted.

On another note, join our New MOmmies group on DK!

Yeah, he's giving me the signs because he's normally very spunky and full of life. 


And thanks-- I didn't even know about the new mommies group.  I'll head over there now! :)

I have no idea but I'm very glad you're bringing him in to see the vet, even though it's one you don't care for. Write down everything that you told us here and bring that with you to the vet appt. From experience, I know how easy it is to forget to mention something when you have multiple symptoms/issues going on. Most significant are the increased water consumption and the lethargy, and then the reduced appetite and the lack of stool volume. Please keep us posted. 

Thanks Karen. I will certainly let everyone know. He hasn't had an increase in thirst-- he's actually always a water gulper. Not a big eater but loves his water. He's since stopped drinking. And he's definitely lethargic. Poor guy.

It's actually a much better sign that he hasn't increased his water consumption. Not drinking at all is not good of course, but the opposite can be a symptom of some really really scary diseases. :(

Well there is the silver linng! :)



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