Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Hello, all-

I haven't posted in a really long time.  Not for lack of trying....just incredibly busy.  However, I wanted to take the time to post our recent experiences with our Aussie Labradoodle, Nugget, in hopes that maybe it will help another doodle family.

A quick background:  Nugget is a 6 1/2 year old female.  She is incredibly smart, incredibly funny, very all around fantastic family dog.  When Nugget was about 2 1/2, she was diagnosed with Atopic Dermatitis.  I received a great deal of support here on DK throughout that process.  That support and a great vet dermatologist helped us to keep those allergies in check.

In April of this year, Nugget became lethargic, lost her appetite and began drinking water like crazy.  She also seemed to lose weight overnight.  We took her to our wonderful vet.  Since she knows Nugget so well ( and knows how full of life and energetic Nugget usually is) the extreme lethargy really concerned her.  She kept her in the hospital overnight to run tests.  To make a long story short, Nugget was diagnosed with canine diabetes mellitus.  I immediately felt like the guilty doodle mom because I felt like it was something we did...but I have to say, Nugget has always been in great physical shape (other than the allergies) has never been overweight (if anything, just a bit underweight because of all of her activity) and has always eaten very good food.  So, our vet calmed me down and said that Nugget's diabetes was not our fault but needed to be dealt with aggressively.  Our vet kept Nugget an extra 24 hours in the hospital to run a glucose curve test.  This process was repeated 2 more times over the next few weeks in order to get Nugget's numbers where the vet wanted them.  In the meantime, my husband and I needed to get trained in giving insulin injections 2x per day 30 mins after her meal time.  Nugget is on a grain-free diet supplemented with canned pumpkin to bind the insulin.  

OK, so, Nugget really needed plenty of time to adjust to the insulin.  She had, very quickly, aged.  Our rambunctious doodle slept a lot, didn't really want to interact with us (this was so hard to experience!) and just wanted to be left alone.  But, little by little the insulin therapy worked and we started to see our fun-loving dog reemerge.  Just as things started to get better, Nugget started hesitating as she walked down steps she had run down her whole life....she started bumping into walls and doors that she had easily skirted around since she first came home to our house.  Our vet warned us that severe cataracts could be a side effect of diabetes, and sure enough that's what happened.  They came on VERY quickly.  Our vet referred us to a vet opthalmologist who is great!! She put Nuggy on an eye drop regimen for two weeks to prep her for surgery.  (This was a VERY long two weeks of Nugget not being able to see.  It was so hard....she couldn't understand what was going on!  We went from using a collar to a harness for her so that we could guide her more easily.)The surgery was another two nights in the hospital.  When we picked her up, her vision wasn't perfect, yet, but it was soooo much better.  She could see us and the reunion was very emotional for all of us. We left with a regimen of eye drops, an oral antibiotic, an elizabethan collar and instructions for no bathing for a week until recheck. After that  week, Nugget's vision was much improved.  Now, 6 weeks after surgery, she is back to her regular, wonderful self.  She is on a lot of eye drops, still, and of course has to have insulin 2x per day and an antihistamine 2x per day (for her allergies), but compared to how things were a few months ago, she is much better now.  The tricky thing is that, when her allergies really flared, we used to be able to add a bit of steroid into her medicine mix.  But, now, since the diagnosis of diabetes, the vet really doesn't want to do the steroid at all.  So far, so good with that.  We are hoping that stays that way.  

Very sorry for the very long post, but I thought maybe this adventure of ours might be helpful to others.

Happy summer, everyone!


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Replies to This Discussion

I'm so sorry to hear about all that you and Nugget have been going through, Susan. I'm glad that Nugget is better now and I sure hope that continues! JD has had some new major health issues too in the past couple of years, and I know what a juggling act it can be to manage all the meds and treatments for multiple diseases and still try to keep a good quality of life for your dog. It sounds like you and your husband are doing a great job of that. Nugget is a lucky girl to have such devoted parents! Hugs to all of you. :)

Thanks so much, Karen-

I hope JD is doing OK now.  As you know, you and he helped us through a lot!!

Take care---Nuggy sends her best, too!  

<3 Wow, what an emotional experience you went through. I am so glad Nugget is doing so much better and thank you for taking the time to share. You just never know when your story can help someone else.

Thank you so much for the kind words!  

What a terrible storm of medical problems. I am sorry to hear you and Nugget went through this. I am very glad things have settled down what caring dog owners you are. I hope everything continues smoothly.

Thanks very much.  We were very lucky to have such a good medical team to work with us.

Susan, I am so sorry to hear about all the medical problems your sweet Nugget has been through and still adjusting to her new way of life.  Wow, what a struggle for all of you, but very happy to read she is back to her old self. You never know with your dogs when something can change it all and thanks for sharing this difficult journey with us.  Hugs to all of you and especially Nugget!

Thanks very much!  It really has been an adjustment, but we're really glad that it has worked out as well as it has.

I am so sorry to read about Nugget's health problems, but happy to see that she is doing so much better with your wonderful consistent care.  Hugs to your family.



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