Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Quince had another night time bowel movement the night of Wednesday into Thursday and again last night -  this time very liquid.  He had normal BM in between on our walk on Tuesday morning.   His energy and behavior seem fine and he is drinking water as usual.  He eats Blue homestyle canned food and Blue kibble from my hand when I walk him.  He usually gets some cream cheese in his Kong for when he is in his crate and the same brand bully sticks he always enjoys.  Nothing new, maybe  his grass intake has been more than usual, but not huge amounts

My plan is boiled rice and pumpkin today and some boiled chicken for dinner.  He has not been around other dogs for a few weeks, but could he have picked up something just from smelling around on our walks to the beach?  

UPDATE- no BM for about 48 hours or since we started the rice/boiled beef,...I just fed him his regular food...hope we are not on the other side of the spectrum for too much longer...

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so far so good-rice, boiled lean chop meat and a dollop of pumpkin.  oh, and a dash of chewed up bra that he got into yesterday when I failed to secure his crate...he is not ready to be home alone, and I wonder if he ever will.  He is so good when we are here, but devil dog seems to take over when he is alone.  

When do you get the results of the fecal test? 

I'm sorry my second favorite Quincy isn't feeling well, I really hope he feels better soon. 

It sounds like we are dealing with the EXACT same thing.  :(

Seamus loves boiled chicken and bra!!  Feel better Quincy.  Hope it's not the dreaded G!  hugs from seamus!

Thanks Seamus and all, he is now fine with normal GI function and back on his regular food.  



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