Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Has anyone experienced a very dramatic reaction coupled with loud whining when your doodle is injured or thinks she's injured?  My 5 month old aussie doodle Madiba has had this issue almost since we got her at 10 weeks . The first 2 weeks we had her my husband stepped on her paw by mistake while playing around and she sat down on the ground wide eyed and started shrieking to the point where people thought we were abusing her.  She soon calmed down but she would forget her paw hurt and when she ran on it it hurt her and she would go through the same routine.  It has happened to us in a few other instances.  A dog rolled her in the dog park and she wasn't hurt but did the same routine and everyone came running and all the other dogs started barking.  Once when she was sleeping under a table, we moved a chair and it did not land on her paw but it grazed her paw and woke up shrieking the point where someone threatened to call the police on us for abuse.  The she stopped and was fine.  

Today in the dog park she was doing her usual crazy herding run in the puppy area, one dog got rough with her rolled her and as she was running away she wasn't looking and ran right into a park bench.  She fell on the ground and started shrieking and whining and basically shut down the dog park, everyone came running and all play stopped.  She was obviously stunned from the impact.  We took her to a quiet space so she could calm down and we could check if she was injured but I didn't want to take her out of the park immediately so she wouldn't associate it with bad things or being fearful.  

We let her stay a while longer but she was limping so we left.  She walked ok just a slight limp but she wanted to run again and chase balls, when let her run on the carpet in our hall but she started shrieking again so we know her paw hurts.  Now we are home and I have put pressure on her bad paw, she doesn't react but she still has a slight limp.  We will take her to the vet tomorrow when we see if she feels a bit better but does anyone else experience this shrieking heart breaking cry when your doodle experiences pain or maybe a sensation that she has never experienced before?  It can happen anytime and besides feeling heartbroken that she could be in pain, it's really embarassing. 

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Sorry Karen!  We were saying similar things at the same time. :)

No problem at all, you explained another side of it. 

That sounds ghastly.

That is exactly what happened to us awhile back.  Quincy got very scared when another dog got aggressive and Quince let out the most god awful shriek-I thought he had a piece taken out of him.  He was quickly surrounded by what seemed like all the dogs in the park.  My DH and I tried to get to him, and when I bent down, one dog actually jumped on my back.  Quincy was not actually hurt, just scared.  Awful.  

I didn't think about that.  She normally doesn't do this, she is extremely confident and always initiates play, she looks to get other dogs to chase her, she is faster than most, she's been there so many times with no problems including when she plays with bigger dogs. This time we were in the puppy and small dog play area and she kept trying to get the other dogs to chase her, they finally did. She may have whined and they all jumped on her which may have caused her to run away and into the bench.  We didn't see that part, we just saw her running with an entire pack chasing her and then she hit the bench.  when she was whining the other dogs actually all came over and sat around her then it was like a dog chorus, they all started whining.  We let her stay in the park after but I hope she's not marked as being the weak link in the pack.  Is it something other dogs can sense in her?  We don't usually have this experience and I'm more of a get back on the horse kind of dog owner but I don't want to push her too far.  I really don't want her to have a fear of the dog park, she is so social and loves to be with other dogs.  SHe's pretty fearless in her approach to other dogs, she just gets right up in their faces and if they bark at her, she back off and comes right back at them.  She is a total drama queen about pain or the fear of pain but I've never seen her just lose it completely in the dog park like this.  Today she is much better but she has a  slight limp and if she runs on it she cries but she's running more without crying and she can jump on and off the bed with no problem.  Vet tomorrow. Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences, very helpful.



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