Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Today the Path Lawyer and Social worker were at my house... I had a million paper work things to fill out and finally I know made a real will. I had no problem what so ever with anything except Jack......... of course Jack. It was easy to decide who would get any money and or the house....

My mom wants Jack of course... and of course I want her to have Jack because that would be the smoothest of all transitions ....... since he is so attached... 

My mom is 72.. Jack will be five in March and Molly just turned two.... I am petrified that the proper arrangements won't be made for Jack and Molly after my mom dies..... 

There isn't anyone in my family that would take them or that I would allow them to go to... I want them to be together as that is all they will have and know....

What I don't know is how to go about making sure this happens.... I have had a friend tell me they would take them.. but in reality that would make it four dogs for them all around the same age.... Her husband already doesn't want her to get more dogs....though it wouldn't be that they couldn't afford them.....

I don't know if this is impossible but I want to have this worked out.. where they will go when my mom and i are not alive anymore should my mom not live to see both of them end their life....

Most of the people I know that I would let Jack and Molly go to already have a dog or three and it is just to much to add to the mix...

I know for now I can say to ask DRC for help placing them and that my mom could leave some money for them to be cared for.. and I love and trust how DRC screens them..... but they would be heart broken if they can't stay together.... they will have already gone through so much change.

I know I can't control everything but I would have so much peace if I knew that Jack and Molly would always be able to stay together and that they would be loved and cared for in the manor in which they are used to...

Please don't judge me for getting a dog knowing I was sick...... I had no idea any concept of what a dog was like before I got Jack.... he was bought for me as a gift... and Jack and Molly are very much my children now.... what is done is done.......

I will not send them back the breeder either. Love my breeder but I will not do that. Any ideas or advise? What an awful feeling not to have it settled......I can't even tell you//how sickening it is/... and we don't know timing of anything for either one of us... but doing all this paper work, wills and wishes really smacked me in the face.

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Jennifer...I am not sure what kind of insurance you have but I have PetPlan and I know the insurance can transfer as long as you have a power of attorney who can provide them with the information.  My parents (75 years old) just got a puppy.  They made plans for either myself or my daughter to take the dog should it outlive them (which is probable).  I got PetPlan insurance for the puppy and called and talked to them about continuing the insurance upon their death with whoever takes the dog.  They said that it is possible as long as there is a power of attorney who can legally make the transfer.  I am convinced that you will not need this information but hopefully it will bring you peace of mind.  And I think all doodle moms are neurotic!  I have been called that many times!

Yes both dogs have Pet Plan Gold!!!! Both dogs or insurance reasons are in my name and my mom then my brother is my power of attorney !

Even better's just good to know these things....everyone really no matter what should have plans and things written my oh so optimistic social worker says....., " we are all just one car accident or MRI away for a terminal disease or death" isn't she a hoot to be around ???? LOL

I honestly feel relieved and did last night ...I always feel better if I have a plan....and a pretty good assurance that things will be safe for the babies.

Thank you for this information I will make sure in talk to Pet Plan and send them a copy of my power of attorney or make sure my mom knows to send it to them!


Where does it say that just cause you are sick, you can't live? You have a disease, not an expiration date! We have all heard how hard you fight everyday. That little fuzzball has given you 5 years of love and that is WAAAAAYYY better than any modern medicine. You are doing the responsible thing by trying to find Jack and Molly a home IF it is needed.

I am sure there is a list of fine people who would love Jack and Molly for the rest of their years, if needed.


Jen, your Mom is only my thinking, that's pretty YOUNG.  Really though, there are no certainties for any of us.  I'm thinking include in your will that your Mom takes the dogs should anything happen that you can't care for Jack, and as a back-up that DRC and DK would be contacted with a provision that they stay together.  After that, try your best to let go of this, knowing that you've taken care of things to the best of your ability and trusting that the Doodles will be fine.  You will drive yourself totally crazy if you dwell on will all work out.

Jen, I think you are so brave to look at the future with clear and open eyes no matter what it may hold. I think you can rest assured that Jack and Molly will always have each other--especially if your DK friends have anything at all to do with it!

Oh Jenn, just reading what everyone has said. Don't think I can add much, but I do believe two things. #1- Just because you have a dog, and CF doesn't make you unworthy. You certainly deserve to have all you want in this life, so never feel guilty ! Jack is very lucky to have you, and your mom.... AND Molly !

#2 Between legal arrangements and your friends here on DK, I'm sure that Jack and Molly will always stay together and have a lot of love, as well as each other.

As the old quote goes, and this is for everyone : Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway !


((Hugs)) to you and Jack ♥  

Thank you all so much! I really really really feel much better and am. I won't dwell was just a lot to take in and the I really couldn't think straight ....

We will change the wording...jack and Molly go to my mom and then DRC....with money...whatever my mom has to support them.

I really appreciate the kind words...I may be the odd one out....I know people get sick all the time and already have that case there is nothing to be done.......but I knew before hand what I could face someday but what I didn't know was how much they become like family...

Same with my mom getting a puppy at 70 was by far the best thing for my mom..added years to her life I am positive.....

I personally will never get another dog ever again after Jack even God forbid he should pass very young....I personally can not stand the thought of a dog being rehomed.........I mean story after story I read on here on FB of how devastated a dog is to be rehomed.

Yes it can happen to any of us at any time...but I have a greater odd and I will never take that chance with a dog again....I may foster but I am pretty sure I would be deemed an unstable home even to foster temporarily .

I am putting this to rest ...does DRC have a phone number or do you just have to go online.......?

I want to have it clearly written out so anyone can easily find them even someone not computer savvy. Thanks again......I think we all,should have concrete plans for our dogs..

I am going to put a little book together with pictures and stories about Jack mostly taken from,this website.....but I am going to add his favorite to rub his he prefers a shower to a bath...all his IF it is ever needed the person who gets them will fall madly in love with them both they way we have!

Thanks..I promise I am not dwelling as long as I don't think of that movie Hachi or whatever that movie was ...:)

Knowledge and plans make me feel empowered,

Jen, I am glad you are feeling better about this. Hugs to you guys and be well!!!

My mom was so relieved when I shared this information with her today.... We are both so grateful you will be there if we need you.. Lets hope not but grateful none the same.

Hi Jen,

Its wonderful that you have a will in case anything happens and I think everyone should have one because you never know what may happen in life.  With that being said...I wish you many many many happy years with Jack, Molly, and your mom for the rest of their lives and yours!  xo

p.s. i never knew that Molly was a doodle too and went to see your pictures.  Jack and Molly are too cute together!  

Yes Molly Rose is a toy Golden doodle English Jack is an AmericanToy....both loves...



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