Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

My parent's neighbors have a little dog, I don't know what he is. He looks like some kind of chihuahua mix, only stockier than a chihuahua. Anyway, the neighbor asked if I can drive over there morning and evening from last Friday to this Wednesday to let him out of his kennel. Yes, he is spending five days alone in his kennel. She and my mom actually once had a falling out because of the way she "takes care" of her animals. Last night my mom took him over to the house because she felt sorry for him being alone for so long. He's been to our house before and our family has been over there before. My mom wasn't looking for a moment and heard my 4-year-old brother crying. When my sister looked, his face was bloody with a slice on his eyebrow. The dog had bit him in the face. Now, I know kids can be rough (and should be taught to be gentle) but in my opinion a dog should know to never bite a child. I know he's been cooped up and for that I feel bad for him, but I still think a dog should never bite a child. Any dog I've ever owned has been trained well that absolutely no aggression toward children is acceptable. Maybe I wouldn't feel so strongly if it wasn't my brother, I don't know. But now I need to call the neighbor and make sure his dog is all up-to-date on his vaccines. How would you feel about this situation?

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I guess what I meant by "knowing" was that the owner should have taught them that when he is always around kids. It's over now and now we know...

This was just a very difficult situation, and I'm not surprised at this dog's reaction to your brother.  I'm sure that this little dog was frightened to death.  He gets virtually no exercise or socialization which would in itself make him insecure.  Then he's brought to your home with a child (and I'm sure he's not at all used to being around kids).  He tries to protect himself the best way he can by hiding under the table when this child comes at him, likely making him feel like he is cornered.  He just did what lots of dogs would do in the same situation.  I feel so sad for this little guy.

This is so sad. I can't believe the owner would leave him in his kennel for 5 days! I don't understand why some people even have pets. I also believe that no dogs should be left unattended with a child.
I have a chihuahua mx and would never leave him unattended with a child. He is scared of children running and approaching him too fast. He has never been around that many kids, and I just know as his owner what his limits are. This is a case of a poor dog owner and unresponsible dog/child supervision.

Yep, toy breeds in general and chihuahuas in particular are usually not the best breeds to have around kids. 

I didn't know that about toy breeds. Maybe since we've never had something like this happen we were a little naive! 

I talked to my mom again, and the neighbor. My mom admitted that she shouldn't have brought him over without double checking with the neighbor. She was supervising and was right there when it happened, she was just telling him not to reach for the dog and it just happened quickly.

When I talked to the neighbor the first thing she said was "I think I need to get rid of him." I told her it wasn't his fault, that he was really anxious and restless from being in a kennel for so long without any human interaction. She went on to tell me that he has bit another child and he needed a butterfly stitch. That would have been good to know. Again, my mom said she should have checked. All is worked out-she said he is up to date on all shots and my brother is going to the doctor today. I did stress that he needed more human interaction and training so maybe she will take that into consideration?

Honestly, the best thing for this dog would be a new home, but it must be done right. That means going through a private rescue group, not a shelter, and not rehoming the dog herself on Craig's List. I cannot stress this enough. 

There are all kinds of private rescues in every part of the country; some are breed specific, some only place toy breeds, some place seniors, etc. No matter where you live, there are rescues.  I would be happy to help you or your neighbor locate a suitable rescue group who could help get this poor dog into a more suitable home. 

Karen, you are the best. 

I will talk to her about that. Thank you. We live in Redding, CA; do you have any references? 

I just can't stand when people get dogs, are surprised that they ACT LIKE DOGS, neglect them, and get rid of them. But if he can find a better home that would be great for him. 

Breanna, I know none of this is your fault and you are trying to get answers. I feel so badly for this dog. Our Vern can be fearful and we are very watchful when he is placed in any new situations. Fear can make a dog bite. I do not understand why your stupid neighbor would even have dogs. I hope when you call her the dog is current with all shots and I hope she can be convinced to re-home him. Every dog deserves far better than this from his/her owner.



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