Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I used ro give Jaxon bully sticks once in a while because he loved them, and it kept him busy for a while :) but lately he has been just smelling them and then leaving them. At first I though that it was just the brand because I bought the ones that are not smelly. Then I went back to the smelly ones. All he did was smell it walk around with it, then drop it somewhere. I put it in his mouth, he just took it, carried it across the room and put it down. He still chews his deer antler though. What is going on???

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Dogs are like that...maybe he is bored with it.....have you tried a Himalayan chew to switch things up?
No I have never heard of those. Do they carry them at PetSmart ,
I could be wrong but I am pretty sure I am right that if PetSmart carries something similiar to a real Himalyan chew it is going to be sourced from china or not real.

When I first got Jack I saw "bully sticks" in a bag from Petsmart and I was so happy to find out they were from china and not truly a real bully stick.

Himalyan chews are a bit pricy but they last a long time
We got ours from a speciality store but they do sell them online...we got for the dog 35 pounds and under and all it says is Himalayan Dog chew 100 percent natural..

The only ingredients are yak and cow milk, salt and lime juice.
I will check out a specialty store near us,thanks :-)

Smear it with peanut butter? Sometimes I do that just for an extra treat 

What a great idea!! I will try that. I never thought to do that because bully sticks are usually so appealing to dogs.

Bailey has been looking and barking at her newest Bully Stick.  Very strange indeed.  She paces around it but will not chew it.  It has been several months since she has had one, and she used to LOVE them!  Now I have 20 Bully Sticks in the pantry that she will not touch.  I got them from Best Bully Sticks just as I always have.  Wonder what these doodles know that we don't!?!?

How funny! Does she usually bark at her treats?

Occasionally.....but she usually winds up eating it soon after.  Not with these Bully Sticks though.

The Himalayan Chews are good but be careful to watch your dog while he chews on it.  My girl tends to bite off bigger chunks and has swallowed them before I could get to her.  Those pieces were intact in her poop the next day.   I found a product called Yaky Puff which is a different version.  I believe they use a process to puff them up and they become very crunchy like a chunk of very stale bread.  Not a long lasting chew by any means...but a good treat/snack.  I found them at my local pet boutique and they are made in the USA (as is everything in this particular store).

Are there any other changes in his appetite? Is he eating his regular meals the same as always? 

I would not try to tempt him into chewing/eating the bully sticks if he is refusing them. He has a reason, believe him. 

The very first sign that JD had anything at all wrong with his digestive system was that he refused a beef tendon (similar to a bully stick) one night, something he loved and always looked forward to getting. That tendon laid there on the family room carpet for days until I finally threw it away, but he ate his regular food and treats and his appetite seemed normal. Within the week, the vomiting started and a month later he was diagnosed with Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 

I'm not saying this is anything like that, and not trying to worry you, but when a dog suddenly stops wanting some food item that he has previously loved and enjoyed, it can be a sign of something going on with his health or digestion. I would just keep an eye on him, let him chew his antler, and not introduce any new chew-type treats right now.

Yes u are right , I will watch him



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