Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I don't want anyone to think I lock my puppy outside!!! But this past weekend, we finally got snow that will stay for a while and the weather turned cold. At 6.5 months, this is Hudson's first winter and he LOVES the cold! I left the patio doors partly open so he could let me know when he wanted to come in - but he was happier lying on the deck in the snow.

Does everyone else's Doodle love the cold weather?

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OH Boy does Willson love the cold and all of the snow we have been getting, He could probably stay out forever, when it was very cold with minus wind chills he would sit on the deck and look around like it was summer out, then he would dig his face into the snow that was piled up IT is very funny expect for me who thinks he will freeze !!! Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
What a cute picture. We don't get the snow here but it has gotten very cold, low is teens with highs in the thirties. Cotton LOVES the cold air. When I let her in she rings the bell to go back out. I wish we could get a little snow to see what she does.
Come on up here anytime! I am one of those crazy people that loves the cold - also love the heat but I do like the winter cold and change that comes with it.
We do not have much snow or ice....but my doodles do love the cold.
Our Pierre is just a year and this would be his second winter in Wisconsin, and as we all know ....we have had our fair share of show the last 2 years, we found that if we keep the hair in/around the bottom of his feet trimmed we do not get the snow/ice balls. Ice........yes because he still thinks he has to find OPEN water!!! iF IT WAS'NT COLD ENOUGH.
Hilarious picture! I love it!
Bear LOVES the snow!!! He even likes it when it is a bit chilly outside. We have a hard time getting him back into the house. But it is IMPOSSIBLE to get him in if there is even an inch of snow on the ground :)
Yes, my Gingy loves the snow. He gets soooo excited when he sees it's snowing. I honestly think he enjoys it more than the beach!



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