Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
Belle is 15 weeks old. She was 11.5 lbs at 14 1/2 weeks. Both her parents were in the mid-20 lb range and the breeder said she would be about 25 lbs or so (she is a mini). She was the only female in the litter. She was 6 lbs at 8 weeks. She was 9 3/4 lbs at 12 weeks. About what age do mini's stop growing?
Kona is a large mini or a tiny medium. (Anything over 16 inches tall is not considered a "mini", but everyone who meets him calls him a mini, so I just go with the flow....he is almost 17 inches tall) He stopped growing at 6 months at 24 pounds. I've read that mini's stop growing much sooner than standards and are typically full size by 8 months old. Kona was 6 months. When I took him in for his neutering, my doctor was convinced he would continue to grow to about 35 pounds, but I was right and she was wrong. :-) Kona was the runt of the litter of 10 puppies. He was 3.5 pounds when I got him at 8 weeks old, The breeder kept his cute sister that looks just like him and she ended up even smaller (20 pounds) and is adorable!
I misspoke! I just went back and read some of my older entries. Kona didn't max out until 8 months
8.5 weeks, 3.5 pounds (Kona was the runt of the litter of 10. All of his siblings were 6 to 7 pounds at 8 weeks)
3 months, 9 pounds
4 months, 15 pounds
5 months, 19 pounds, 15 inches tall at the whithers
6 months, 19 pounds, 15 inches tall
6.5 months, 22 pounds
7.5 months 22.5 pounds
8 months 24 pounds 16.5 inches tall at the whithers.
10 months 23.5 pounds
10.5 months 25 pounds
11 months 24 pounds
11.5 months 24.5 pounds.
So he is bouncing between 23 and 25 pounds depending on his activity level. Belle is just a little bit heavier than Kona was at her age. If you go look at Kona's photos, you'll see how much they look alike and what your Belle might end up looking like at 1 year. So danged cute. Kona is a Double Doodle (1/2 ALD and 1/2 GD) What is Belle?
Kona at 12 months:
24.0 pounds and 16.7 inches at the whithers.
He was a cute little peanut head! I went to pick him up at the airport with big crate, and ended up carrying him home in my purse. I was not expecting such a tiny little thing! (I paid someone to fly him down on the plane with her from Montana, so I did not see him in person before I met him at the airport)
Just over 5lbs at 6 weeks
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