Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Bentley is 11 months old today and he had 3 small mattes in total. One on one ear, and one by his foot at 8 months and another by his foot at 10 months. My groomer keeps warning me that the coat change is coming but I just don't see it. Do all doodles go through this? Do they all severely Matt? Could it be possible that he has passed this stage? If I didn't pass the stage when will it creep up ?
I brush and comb Bentley 3x a week.
Thanks in advance for the help :)

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No, not every doodle goes through the dreaded coat change. Owen, my daughter's doodle didn't mat. He sheds a little and his coat is more fleecy than wooly.

I have been looking for answers myself Nadia.
From what I have read it varies with each doodle because of all the coat types. I still have no idea what type of coat my doodle has. It seems to now be a mix of fleece and wool. :S
My pup Chopper did not mat till he turned 6 months. Now at 9 months his coat is literally a bear to keep up with. He gets mats all over and requires a lot of grooming. I am hoping this is just the puppy coat shedding and it wont be as bad in a few months because we want to keep his coat long. He had a very soft curly fleece coat in the beginning. The new coat coming in is mixed with some kemp on his back. I am also curious what color he will be. There are both light and dark hairs coming in. No shedding so far. Only the hair coming out with the brushing.

Chopper at 3 months.
Chopper at 9 months going through an awkward stage. You can see some of the spot of blackish kemp on his back.

Loo went thru the coat change but she did not mat. I combed a lot of dead hair out of her coat but her curly,curly hair did not, nor does it mat now. Every dog is different and if you have a doodle that does not mat, just be thankful!

What exactly is she warning you about? Is she recommending a haircut to maintain the coat? Is she recommending more frequent visits to prevent from matting? I have seen dogs other than doodle change coats well into their second year. With doodles it is a crap shoot because there is so much variation in breeding, no consistency overall. I would actually have to see the dog up close to give you my opinion. But given that doodles are very popular and most groom shops don't go a day without doing 3 or 4 maybe more, I am thinking your groomer does have some insight into this.


She just keeps telling me that the dreaded Matting happens out of nowhere and to keep my eyes open for it. So far I haven't seen a thing. So I wasn't sure if the matting was inevitable for all doodles.

Nadia, if Bentley does have a matting coat change it does happen overnight - truly. You will know when you see it.  You could be one of the lucky ones with Bentley.

I breed Golden Doodles and groom them.  I recommend all doodles be cut down before a year old.  I cut down to either a #5 or #7.  The coat grows back in much better.  remember these dogs do not really shed, so their puppy coat becomes matted with the adult coat.  You will be sorry if you do not cut them back.  Some of my puppy parents do not listen to me and then their dogs becomes very matted and remember mats hurt! Jaynie Perry

Thank you for telling owners that. When I had my salon I cannot tell you how many  doodle owners would come in at 6 months or older saying their breeder say not to get a haircut until six months.  I recently read one breeder told  the owners do not let your groomer tell you your dog is matted. Poor dogs being sent out into the world by that breeder. That is down incorrect information only resulting in pain and suffering endured by the dog.It is  one reason why I  a cut back on my doodle customers now that I do privately in my home. Too many first time haircuts as ten blades because of pelting and meltdowns over it. I never understood why people would get mad at me when they were responsible for the care of the their dog. I do disagree with saying doodles do not shed. If they never  shed then  they never lose hair.  But they do lose hair because  the they are constantly growing it and old hair does shed. It may not shed in your living room or on your couch but it sticks right in the dogs coat and wraps itself around the other hair forming matts if not brush and combed out. It is more accurate to say they are minimal or low shedders.


You are correct with what you say about minimal or low shedders and  that is what I meant but I guess I did not word it correctly when I said "do not really shed". But doodles do not shed a coat like per say a golden retriever. I do not really cut lower then a #7.  I can get through most matting with that blade if I take my time. I do believe the coat come comes in much nice if cut down .



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