Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
I found a blood filled tick on Jilly's belly this morning. It had left what looked like a red ring like mark on her skin. I called the vet's office, described the tick and the mark and they advised to wipe it with rubbing alcohol and keep a watch on it. They said the redness was most likely irritation from the bite and will fade away, but call back if it still looks irritated in the morning. They said they are getting a ton of calls regarding tick bites right now. Here's what we have:
The tick:
Jilly's mark
I'm pretty sure she got it on our walk last night. She always rolls over for a belly rub and I would have noticed it some time yesterday before the walk.
So I started checking her all over and wouldn't you know she had another on the top of her head, this tick was also filled with blood, but left no mark. Jack checked out clean.
Hopefully the redness will fade away by tomorrow. She seems fine otherwise.
I should mention that they are both on Frontline and have the Lyme's vaccination.
Just a head's up to check your doodles!
Thanks JAne and I hope Jilly is fine. funny but my dogs' ticks always are like a gunmetal gray.
That's interesting about the color. I've only seen the black ones on them, this is the first time they were filled with blood.
Thanks for the info Beverly, I hope yours stay tick free!
Yes, our tick season starts as soon as the rains come. So far, no ticks and no rain. But I will get them started on the meds (Frontline Plus) as a precaution. The tick probably would have died and fallen off if you did not find it early.
Hope you all stay tick free!
BTW, this little bug does not look like the ticks we have here. He looks almost more like a ladybug. But ladybugs do not bite and fill up with blood.
Oh poor Jilly !!! I guess Frontline is not doing its job :( I'm sending doodle {{{{ hugs }}}} your way and thanks for the warning Jane. I usually check Sasha and Ollie but I am going to really give them a good once over tonight.
Thanks Barbara. Your little chocolate kiss had her first episode here. : ( Good luck with S and O!
I found one on the floor of the kitchen yesterday. It was huge, bigger than a pea. My dog was vaccinated and is on Advantix II and got Lyme disease anyway. Keep an eye on her in the upcoming weeks, if anything seems odd take her to the vet and mention the tick.
Wow, bigger than a pea?! Thanks for the advise Moe, will do.
What type of tick collar? Do you know the chemical that is in it?
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