Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

Three out of the four times I have had Polly in the car she has been sick, poor baby, I hate that for her.  Meg has no problem with the car and is eager to go, we take her everywhere with us.  Polly has not associated the car with the feeling yet, she does not try to shy away from the car but I am afraid she is going to figure it out and even if she doesn't I never want to make her ill.  Her first car ride coming home from the breeder was a long one and brutal until there was nothing left for her to lose.  The next day we took her the five miles to the vet for her first check up and she did well there and back.  Last week 9 miles to Wal-Mart, unsuccessful and today 5 miles to the groomer to get those little feet trimmed up, Dramamine an hour before we left, when we got there she was drooling adn as soon as I sat her on the ground she lost her breakfast from 5 hours earlier. 

I will check with the vet for what they give for motion sickness that may be better.  I thought I might also have dh take her on tiny little rides in front of him on the four wheeler around the yard.  Hoping for a solution, not sure if they grow out of that or not but really hoping to have both girls with me as much as possible.

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Poor Polly!  I hope it is something she grows out of.

We got a prescription from our vet, but we never used it!  Quincy outgrew it and is now fine even for very long rides.  Here's hoping the same happens for Polly.  

It can help if you have them harnessed and facing forward. 

Just like me!  I have to look out the window straight ahead.  

We had a dog that got car sick every time we brought her somewhere - still, every time we went to the car she wanted to come so badly so we just put her in a crate (so the mess would be contained) and eventually she was fine - I'd say she was around eight months old.  She lived to the grand age of 14 and went everywhere with us - at the end we had to help her into and out of the camper but she would not stay home!  LOL  I hope that this is the case with Polly!

My Oliver used to get car sick. He is now 18 months and is doing GREAT!! We tried Dramamine and it made him sick quicker. I found something small in his tummy helps. We take him about 4 days a week in the car to Run at the park and he does great. Over the summer we took him on a 3 hour ride to the Beach and once again did Wonderfully! Seems to be Better with age. We'll see how he does when we travel five hours for Thanksgiving?! I put down a blanket that I can roll up and wash when we get to our Destination. Try not to worry about it, she may grow out of it, and at the Very least it will probably lessen some~ Fingers Crossed~

I used to sit in the back seat with Ben holding out a plastic bag for him every time I knew he would barf.  Paper towels and baby wipes were our best friend!  He used to throw up going to the vet which is about 5 miles away.  He's bigger now so he can do 2 hrs no problem! I noticed that it helps him to keep the windows open.  

Judy, five miles is way too far. 

It's hard to tell if the dog has car anxiety or car sickness ( motion sickness)

Start with just sitting in the car. Bring toys and treats.   Do this for as many days as you can.  Then, start really really slow.   Go around the block and come right back.  Do this for several weeks.  Only around the block.  Increase slowly.  Keep your attitude up like it is no big deal. Give treats or toys.  Then take short rides, say a mile, then treat.   You really have to do this so slowly.  My neighbors used to take their dogs to McDonalds to get a burger then straight back home.  I dont do McDonalds, but I did make every trip something fun.

Use a Thundershirt

Eyes on the horizon  helps with both humans and dogs.  To get one of our dogs to get over car sickness ( and she did) we placed her favorite treats on the dashboard.   This way, the eyes are not roaming.  Put them right in front of her so her focus stays straight. 

Instead of using the backseat,  harness her into the front. Important.  Dogs cant keep their eyes on the horizon if they are in the back. 

Good luck.

I hope she outgrows it.  I am so sorry.



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