Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

We left our two doodles for 7 days while we went to visit relatives in MN.  They stayed with a warm, lovely woman who takes care of dogs in her home...they can sleep on the bed, have the run of her home, etc.

When we picked them up, they were ecstatic...jumping & wiggling, knocking her little gate down to get to us.

Then, we get home...both kept their distance for a couple of days, acted like they were bored stiff & are just now warming up again.  Like they had to get reacquainted :)

Have your doodles acted this way ?


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Hi diane, I have a 4 yr old goldendoodle, Oliver that has stayed with our good friends for 2 yrs. now whenever we go away. They have a labradoodle, and the two of them are good friends. We live down the street from one another, so he is even in the same enviorment.  They love Oliver, he sleeps with them, and has the run of their house and yard.  Yet when we come home, he is more then ready to go home, lol, then when he gets home he ignores us, and gives me what I call dirty looks, lol...It takes a few days and he is back to himself, but he knows it will bother me, so thats why he does it.  they are very smart, and I think when Oliver sees the suitcases come out, he knows we are going somewhere...So the sad eyes and sulking begins.  he has a great time with our friends, they do more activities with him then we do, I know it is all to make me feel bad when I get home, lol...Cheryl

Our doodles don't act this way but one of my DD's Golden Retrievers definitely did the same thing… it was like he was punishing her for leaving…the cold shoulder for a couple of days. 

That's exactly what Myla did!  We left her for 10 days while we went to Mexico and when we picked her up she was wriggling all over to get to us and licked us all over, ran to the car and jumped in the back seat and waited while we paid etc.  Then, in the car, we got the cold shoulder - she just put her head out the window and wouldn't give us the time of day.  When we got home, she sniffed around the whole yard, marked her territory again and would not give us the time of day!  It only lasted until the next morning when she jumped up on our bed to wake us up and then everything was back to normal but I'm sure she was just saying "Don't ever leave me again!!!"  LOL



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