Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

I need help please just trying to find legit reviews to this breeder cause I am a bit worried

I want my puppy so bad & have so for years & finaly decided on a petite goldendoodle but this place is kinda fishy to me so I want some legit reviews. I want to know if anyone has seen the puppy nursery etc.. cause they don't allow visitors do to the germs & bad stuff people carry but they do pay little kids to play with them???? That is strange. There are no videos of the nursery or the parents no videos really just maybe two i found online but they don't give me any info. They also offer a lot of designer dogs which i have been taught is a red flag. But this place seems very popular & supposedly has lots of reviews including some from trainers. Does anyone have legit reviews from this place?   Please let me know asap please cause i don't want to make a mistake & i need to know soon.

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I am not interested in getting poodle nor other breed but i don't mind Golden retriever being mixed with certain breeds like that Cavalier KCS but only because I want a small downsized golden retriever. I have done research for years & have stressed out sooooo badly in trying to find the perfect one well the perfect breed for me is the Golden retriever. I LOVE GOLDEN RETRIEVERS they are perfect dogs. My friend has one & I got to spend time with him & it made me want one even more. I don't want a yappy little dog who won't shut up (some people around here have yappy noisy dogs) I live in Apartments & would feel sad having a large dog in here but even more if it is an annoying little dog. I have tried to have little dogs but they are horrible for me so I never EVER want to get a small one again. I would like a calm/mellow dog at least indoors but still go outside with me & play & exercise. I need a sweet dog that loves everyone including strangers & that doesn't pick one person to love. I haven't had luck finding one in the shelters :( I need/want this dog more than anything in the whole world. He will be my emotional therapy dog.

Thank you :)

But when you mix a Golden Retriever with a "yappy" little dog, the puppies do not necessarily get the temperament or personality of the Golden...they can just as easily get the traits of the little dog. It just doesn't work that way, that the poodle only passes on the coat and the Golden passes on the temperament and everything else. You aren't getting a small downsized Golden Retriever, you are getting a small mixed breed who has just as much little yappy poodle in it as Golden, and maybe more poodle than Golden in the case of the higher generations. The temperament can be just like that of the poodle. You aren't getting a Golden, and there's no guarantee that you will get any of the sweet Golden personality that you love. You are getting a little dog, and if they are "horrible" to you, that just doesn't make sense to me. I think you have very unrealistic expectations of what a "petite Goldendoodle" is like, based on breeder ads. Have you ever met one or spent any time around one? They are not generally calm or mellow. I assure you, they are nothing like Golden Retrievers. 

If your guts says run…..  

Also, when I first read the webpage address you gave I read it to be "tim's Hell Farm"….just saying..

First off, this is a kennel.  Is that where you want you puppies to come from?


Hi Bertha,

Doodlekisses members are very special people, in that they are advocates not only for their own dogs, but for all dogs whose well being is essentially dependent upon the kindness of human beings; that being said I feel obligated  after reading some of your comments, to express my  thoughts regarding your search for a "perfect" puppy who you believe will meet all your emotional needs/requirements.  From my own experience, there is no "perfect" puppy in that all puppies, whether they cost $2,000  or $2.00 have quirks, so to speak; and those quirks may often be unpredictable. Some dogs tend to be "barkers", some tend to be "jumpers" some are shy and so forth; however, unlike humans, dogs provide unconditional love to those who are blessed to be in their lives.  Bringing a  dog/puppy into a family should always be done with the understanding that the road won't always be easy, however the dog's unconditional love and devotion almost without exception, outweighs the challenges.  Bertha, if you look through the Doodlekisses website, you will see there are groups regarding training challenges and so forth, in which owners describe some of the challenges they are encountering, and ways in which they are seeking to remediate difficult situations; the tone of all theses conversations on Doodlekisses, is always marked by the owners love and concern for these remarkable four legged creature who have blessed our lives with unconditional love. I am saying all of these because I'm hoping when and if you select a puppy, you do so with the understanding there will always be challenges in raising and living with even the most "perfect' puppy, and that your love for this animal will help you deal with any difficulties you may experience.  I recognize I am being bold in saying this, and hope I am not offending you, however, there are altogether too many sad stories of lovely dogs who are not vicious or dangerous, that are seeking homes because their owners for whatever reason, were unprepared to keep them.  I have no intention of offending you; my hope is to give a voice to these four legged amazing creatures who have blessed our lives and deserve our advocacy wherever it is needed.

Beautifully stated, Charlotte, and so true. The main reason that doodles of all types are relinquished to rescue (and the DRC gets dozens of them every year) is basically failure to meet expectations. There is so much hype out there about these "perfect dogs", and there is no such thing. . 

Thanks Karen.  I did not want my response to appear offensive, however, dogs (no matter what the breed) depend upon human beings to advocate on their behalf; that being said, Doodlekisses members are  amongst the best advocates I've  had the pleasure of knowing in that all our conversations, concerns and questions are driven by always striving to do that which is in the best interest of our beloved doodles, as well as any other vulnerable animal. I felt that expressing my concerns would not be considered rude by the members on this site who truly love their beloved pets.

Well said, Charlotte.

I didn't mean to come of childish with my posts if anyone knew me you would understand my desperation but I am tired of explaining it to people. Don't take this the wrong way but I came here hoping to get help not lectures. If i didn't care about the 4 legged friends then I wouldn't have taken so many years of research & looking into shelters & would just get one from the petstore & i wouldn't of come here for reviews on timshell farm. My view of a perfect dog is not the same as anyone elses. I have many perfect pets that others would not think are perfect they are only perfect in that they meet my qualifications for that term. I have had terrible experiences with little dogs my whole life & have even gotten injured. Please don't laugh just cause it is little doesn't mean it won't cause damage. So there are certain small breeds that I don't like. I am aware that if I get a small golden retriever mix that it will come with a mix of traits & temperament & i am ok with that as long as it has even the slightest bit of golden personality in it I will be happy. No matter where i get it from or what I get it doesn't guarantee me anything but i can get an idea based on peoples experiences that is why i also wanted the reviews. I have a lot of experience in training, patience & devotion to animals. I am very aware that owners are responsible for the most part in how a dog turns out but I have also learned that a lot will affect the outcome of the temperament, health & so much more of a dog. Where the parents over bred, what kind of health problems did the parents have, what kind of living situation do they have etc.... I hope no one took offense to my last post.

Thank you



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