Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum

First, let me introduce our new addition, Maxi..she is an 9 week old GSD.  We picked her up last Friday.  The breeder called me on Monday to tell me that one of the puppies has giardia.  We took Maxi to the vet that day anyways for her checkup (for pet insurance) and fecal…and behold, the next day, the vet called with the results…giardia.  Her poop (until last night) has been solid, which is why I am so shocked with this it has turned to soft serve, and she woke us up every 2 hours last night (thankfully) to go out…where before, she was pooping about every 4 hrs, and able to hold it throughout the night.  I have been VERY diligent with cleaning her bottom, all the dog beds, toys and having her and Woody poop in separate areas of the yard..on leash.  I was reading through past posts, and I am going to use Jane's paper plate method, so it doesn't touch the grass. Also, does anyone know if giardia cysts can survive in freezing temps? I keep reading about moist environments...

I am terrified b/c of what we went through with Woody…luckily with the knowledge I have from DK, I am giving Maxi IFlora along with the Panacur (liquid form) that the vet prescribed (5 day treatment)…so hopefully this giardia does not have lasting effects on her GI system.  She is on Eukanuba LBP, my plan was to keep her on this until 10-12 weeks old, then switch to Acana..but now, I am going to hold off until we get things squared away. My question is,now with her soft stools, should I stop Eukanuba and feed her chicken and sweet potatoes?

Thank you in advance


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Jill, I know Karen will be more help, but I think you should continue using the same food until the Giardia is resolved. What a mess! Congratulations on your new puppy and so sorry it has started off like this for you!!

Thank you Laurie!…I know…Karen has been my guide in the past..thankfully! Thank you for your well wishes, and I hope this "crappy start" leads to a better outcome!

Woody and Maxi 


First, may I say congratulations on your new baby and I am very jealous. I have dreamed of owning a GSD for many years.:)

Stay with the Eukanuba, you know that the food is not causing the loose stools, and the Panacur should help firm them up pretty quickly. Your timing for switching her to Acana sounds right to me. 

I have heard that giardia cysts can survive in the soil over the winter, but not if it gets below freezing and stays there, according to the CDC:

Be sure to allow at least two hours between the Panacur and the probiotics, and continue the iFlora for a period of time after she's done with the Panacur, I'd give it until you get a negative fecal. 

I am going to keep my fingers crossed that the Panacur will knock this out and there will be no more poop/digestive issues for Maxi. 

Thank you Karen! I am just doubly worried that Woody may also pick this up, but I do not want to give him precautionary Panacur..and have that possibly mess him up again.

I will stick with Eukanuba…should I stay with Eukanuba until we receive a negative fecal?  The vet said we'll test in one month..I have an appt scheduled for Dec 4th, for some vaccinations and thats when I'll bring in the fecal.

I read the CDC website..and I am just going to pick it up with the paper plate..she doesn't seem to mind me squatting down with her with a plate under her butt :)

Thank you for your wishes and advice as well Karen..I know we have talked in the past about your love for shepherds! I will let you know how things go.

Let's revisit the situation in 2 weeks; maybe you can switch foods before Dec. 4th. 

I had a foster with raging giardia, and I was also worried that JD would get it, but he didn't. :) I hope that makes you feel better about Woody. 

I look forward to seeing lots of photos of Maxi as she grows. I especially love this period before the ears are all the way up, lol, when they're both going in different directions! 

Thank you…That does make me feel better, knowing that JD was fine :)  

Her left ear is perfectly straight..and the other one..not at all..she looks adorable. I also love the stage where the ears are HUGE and her face still tiny…lol. I'll have to find a way to upload these pictures onto my profile page.  Thanks again for your help!

Really nothing to do with this discussion, but I just saw this on FB and had to post it for you:

LOL thank you..I will try to keep this picture in mind! 

Sending good thoughts for a quick cure!  She is just adorable.

Thank you very much!..things are firming up! we're on day 4 of Panacur, and giving the iFlora in the evening..keeping our fingers crossed..thank you for your well wishes :)

I feel for you since Apollo came home with it and i was really scared Zeus would get it.  He never did and the meds worked first round and Apollo was all better!  It is stressful, always cleaning, but it does pay off in the end.  I hope things get better soon.  I had to wait 3 weeks to clear him, because apparently you can get false readings if you dont give it time for the cysts to completely be removed (it is like lice - they are dead but the dead eggs can still be there making you think it is still positive  - so I had 3 weeks of cleaning and worring).  We never changed food and we just kept to the schedule since it is a parasite not the food causing the issues.  



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