My 4 1/2 month old Goldendoodle has been scratching and biting herself. She is on Frontline and I have looked all over her for fleas and have not seen anything. I am not sure if she just has dry skin because it is getting so much colder or if she is allergic to something. I was just wondering if anyone's doodle has gone through this and what you did to treat it. Thanks!
I've had the same problem since bringing my baby home. Initially my vet thought it was walking dandruff. We treated it with advantage multi( several times). It got better than worse. There have been no red areas or scaly dry patches, only white flakes mostly his hind quarters. Thought it might be environmental(mold) so I got a hepa filter for the bedroom. No change. Added salmon oil to his food, took out chicken from his diet and gave him Claritin(1/2 tab x2 a day). He is better but still scratches, more at night. Still don't know cause. It has been very frustrating. He is 5 mos now. Good luck.
Thanks for the information. I think I'll try adding fish oil to her food and taking chicken out of her diet. I agree it is very frustrating because I don't know what is wrong with her. We go to the vet in two weeks and I going to ask her what she thinks. I also noticed her biting and scratching herself more at night and I noticed it more when we started putting the heat in in our home.. Poor babies have to be uncomfortable.