Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Forum
According to Dr. Stanley Coren, Dogs understand up to 160 words
Gavin understands a dozen or more commands (words which we have "taught" him) but he has picked up several more. We have made it a habit not to "label" exciting activities, as we have met other dogs who go ballistic when they hear the word "walk" which is often shortened to "W" so as not to illicit ballistic response. However, Gavin has picked up on what walk means simply by eavesdropping on conversations between DH and I and making the connection. For example "I am going to take Gavin for a walk now." We are okay with this because he clearly indicates understanding by cocking his head or wagging his tail, without going ballistic. Likewise he understands the meaning of "ball", "eat", "final pee (just before bed)" and several others words and phrases. But his all time favorite thing is his doodle bff Mylie (and he certainly know her name)
You will also notice his response to his release word "ok" :)
I consider Gavin to be middle of the road in the intelligence department. I would love to hear what other doodles know.
It is adorable that Harpo talks back Lynda! Gavin watches television sometimes too, especially when see or hears another dog.
Gav is so cute! I don't know how many words Tara knows, only that it is too many! LOL The word we must be most careful with is "Jimmy". He is our neighbor and Tara goes crazy every time she hears his name. I'm not talking about a head tilt either! Unfortunately my DH's brother is also named JImmy so it gets very tricky trying to discuss either of them without Tara rushing to the window in a frenzy, barking and crying and trying to see the neighbor...sigh...
Thanks Ricki! Tara likes her Jimmys - how cute.
Camus understands many words, phrases, and body language. Cannot even begin to figure out how many, of course park, play, walk, breakfast, dinner, and cookie are among his favorites.
Camus knows the good words!
Gavin, I love you and that head tilt for your girlfriend, Miley! Fudge and Vern know lots of words, but NO and COME do not seem to be two of them :)
Poor Fudge - ya chase ONE car...gheesh! LOL.
I saw this video a bit ago and thought it was really impressive. I don't know if the embed code will work, so I've also copied the url.
In regards to the dog getting excited by words, the response is caused by the owner, not the word. From my experience and from what I've seen, if you get excited saying "You want to go outside!?!?", "You want to ride in the car?!?!", etc, then the dog will learn to become excited from that as well. If you notice the dog getting excited by a word, use it often when you're not about to do what the word means, this will shape the behavior that it doesn't always mean what they think. Also, keep calm and assertive when saying the word, and if they get excited wait until they are calm before going forth with whatever activity it is.
Great Alex! Thanks for posting that. That was the video I was thinking about.
Gavin, you are too cute! We cannot say Eddie, Libby's boyfriend, in front of her unless there is an imminent meet and greet coming up. She will run all over the house going from one door to another looking for him. When we go to his house, she starts crying as soon as we turn the corner. It's so funny. But my favorite is when I am taking her home for a sleepover - she can be fast asleep at her mom's house, and I just say, really low, "Libby, do you want to have the sleepover now"? There's about a 5 second delay, and then she jumps up, runs to her mom to confirm that it's ok, and then she stands in front of me wagging her tail like crazy until I get her leash. It's really so cute.
That Libby is one smart cookie! It is funny because I sent the video to Mylie's dad and he said when he told her that Gavin was coming, she ran to the front door barking. I should have videoed the meet up - sheer joy and of course they had to sleep together overnight. Here is a picture from last summer when we told them we were going for a boat ride:
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